Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the free e-copy of the spec-fiction novel, The Awakened, by Richard Spillman, is:
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And now let's revisit with novelist Veronica Heley, author of Murder by Suggestion (Severn House, June 2018), a story of "crime in the community – with a light touch."

She tries but doesn’t always succeed in keeping up with the newest technology, even with help from her friends. She is active in her local church and community affairs, likes to break off work for coffee with friends, and gardens when she can.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
I play Patience with real cards whenever I get stuck in my stories.
Despite having had a British mum, I had to look up that card game, Veronica! It looks like Patience is the same as our Solitaire. I've become somewhat addicted to the electronic version of the game on my phone. I play a few hands every night before I go to bed.
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of Murder by Suggestion.

Chaos rules when the rest of the wives descend on Ellie, but a further distressing development confirms Ellie’s instinct that there’s more to this than meets the eye. With the safety of her nearest and dearest at risk, can Ellie work out who is responsible, and why?
I know we've featured Ellie here many times, but what would you say it is about Ellie that makes your readers care about her?
Ellie cares about people. She has no great opinion of herself, but has the knack of drawing others out.
Write one sentence for us that tells us something about Ellie as a child.
She was taught as a child that a woman’s place was in the home and her job in life was to look after her family.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
I love Anne Tyler’s books, and the latest, Clock Dance
I couldn't agree more with you about Tyler's writing in general, Veronica. I've loved every book of hers that I've read. They're never about anyone who is, as you say, globally important, but they're always so realistic and intriguing, which is the reason I think many of us identify with her heroines.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on another Ellie Quicke story, called Murder for Good. Also I have to think up another short story about my retired friends for Christmas.
Where else can readers find you online?
My website is www.veronicaheley.com
The book can be purchased online via the following button:
What question would you like to ask my readers?
The story I’m working on now is the twentieth featuring Ellie Quicke. Should she not be thinking of retirement?
Thank you, Veronica, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Veronica has offered to give away free e-copy of her novel. To enter, leave a comment and your email below in answer to Veronica's question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
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This book sounds wonderful. brichardson0056(at)yahoo(dot)com
She can always think about retirement for a week or two but I'm sure that it wouldn't be for long.
There's always a mystery or two waiting around the corner to be solved.
Janet E.
I have been living with Ellie for over twenty years and I think we're both getting a bit tired. Perhaps she might pass on the baton to her young friends, who still have a lot of energy. We'll see . . .
Veronica Heley
Oh, I kind of like that idea, Veronica--passing on the baton. Although your readers would probably want you to carry on the new stories, and that won't give you the same rest it will give Ellie...
Yes, you're right. I have complaints NOW that I'm not writing fast enough. I always used to be able to turn out an Ellie or a Bea Abbot in six months. Recently I bargained for nine months and thought I could relax. But no - it doesn't seem to work like that. And I'm older than Ellie, who has remained in her early sixties all these years . . .
Veronica Heley
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