Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the free e-copy of the women's fiction/romance novel, Dancing in the Rain, by Jennifer Slattery, is:
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And now let's meet novelist Patricia Lee, author of the issue-driven romance, A Kite on the Wind (Mountain Brook Ink, October 2018).

Her first three-book series, Mended Hearts, includes An Anchor on Her Heart (July 2017) Love Calls Her Home (March 2018) and A Kite on the Wind (October 2018), published by Mountain Brook Ink. Patricia is a member of the Oregon Christian Writers and of American Christian Fiction Writers.
She and her husband have two adult children and live in the Pacific Northwest with one sleepy cat.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
I enjoy growing dahlias. My husband and I share a mutual interest in the flowers. He does the heavy lifting and I care for the blooms. One summer we had more than thirty varieties and colors in our garden.
Oh, I can't imagine how lovely that must have been!
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of A Kite on the Wind.

Montgomery Chandler has moved to NOAA headquarters in Newport, Oregon to make new, happier memories for his children after his wife died of a lingering illness. Their home in Seattle held nothing but the whispers of their earlier lives. Starting over will help all of them heal, but Monty is resolved not to risk love again.
When the handsome widower enrolls his hurting children at the school where Claire teaches, her determination to remain uninvolved vanishes at the whim of a snowstorm. This family needs her expertise. Can she help them without losing her heart?
What is it about Claire that will make your readers care about her?
Claire’s heart has been broken by a man she trusted to love her. Finding the ability to love again will take time and an understanding love interest.
Write one sentence for us that tells us something about Claire and Montgomery as a children.
Claire and her sister Angela developed a close relationship growing up—playing together and taking their dolls to town, imagining themselves as future mothers.
Montgomery Chandler grew up on the waterways of Seattle, learning to sail and developing a fondness for the ocean and all it has to offer.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
I read Christina Suzann Nelson’s new release, If We Make It Home. This story will keep readers at the edge of their seats as they follow the three female characters on their journey through the Oregon Cascades.
What are you working on now?
I’ve always wanted to tell the story of my great-great grandfather’s journey crossing the plains on horseback and settling on a 640 acre donation land claim in 1847. I grew up on part of that original land claim and I heard stories of him throughout my childhood. The real story was that of his betrothed waiting four years for him to return to Athens, Iowa and take her to Oregon with him. I’ve chosen to write the story as a time slip novel with a protagonist in this century uncovering the history left in an abandoned house. My imagination has had fun picturing my great-great grandmother and the challenges she faced waiting for her fiancé to return.
That could be a truly exciting story!
Where else can readers find you online?
My website: www.authorpatricialee.net
The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
What do you look for in a heroine—strength, determination, or someone who doesn’t have all the answers and needs to grow?
Thank you, Patricia, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Patricia has offered to give away free e-copy of her novel. To enter, leave a comment and your email below in answer to Patricia's question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
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Thank you so much for the book! I look forward to reading Dancing in the Rain by Jennifer Slattery.
I love the sound of Patricia's time-slip novel she is working on. I like a heroine to have a bit of vulnerability to round out her strength, and also an obvious spiritual arc in her life that needs addressing.
Keep tuned in, Anne. Hopefully this new novel will find a home soon. Pat
Oh, this one sounds great! Love that it is set in the northwest. For a heroine, I love to see strong women who don't get run over by others. Not perfect of course, and definitely needing to learn some things, but confident with a few character flaws. :) I love it when the heroines have a career/job that I enjoy learning about. angelecolline at yahoo dot com
Angie, I can't think of a better setting than the northwest. But I might be a bit biased since I live there, too. You'll like Claire, my heroine. She squares her shoulders and goes forward despite the setbacks she's encountered along the way. Pat
I like a heroine like the one you describe for your book, Patricia—one who needs to learn to trust again. I think most of us have had a time in our lives when we experienced that. We’re all imperfect, so we let people down and people let us down. Betrayal is a difficult experience to overcome, so it’s fulfilling to read about a heroine who goes through that struggle and comes out better for it.
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