Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the free copy of the southern women's novel, Dust, by Eva Marie Everson, is:
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And now let's chat with novelist Sharon Hinck, author of the Faith-fueled Fantasy novel, Windward Shore (Book 3 in the Dancing Realms Series) (Enclave Publishing, May 2021).

Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
I used to be a good tap dancer.
My granddaughter takes tap, among other styles, and she loves demonstrating her latest moves on the tile floors in the house. I always wanted to take tap as a kid!

When she uncovers an old enemy behind all the destruction, Carya realizes the past is not done with her. With conflict tearing apart the dancers and villages, rimmers are soon overrun, and Carya must unite her people by leading the battle to protect the very heart of her world … or lose it all.
What is it about Carya that will make your readers care about her?
Carya is constantly growing and changing. She throws her heart into serving her Maker and caring for those she loves, but sometimes makes wrong assumptions or struggles with the sacrifices she faces. Readers have related to her because she has escaped lies, made bold choices, and yet struggles with physical limitations that frustrate her. She continues to discover that the Maker can accomplish His purposes even in her weakness.
Oh, my, how often do we all make wrong assumptions, even while trying to serve our Maker? That's a good quality to give your heroine.
Brainstorming with writing buddies, taking a walk, going to a museum.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
I’m currently listening to the audio book of The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. His fantasy novels are rich and full of interesting characters and detailed world-building that I admire.
What are you working on now?
A new stand-alone epic fantasy novel.
We'll keep our eyes open for that. Where else can readers find you online?
The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Readers, you can access a sample from the novel by going HERE and clicking on Look Inside.
Finally, Sharon, what question would you like to ask my readers?
In what ways have you seen God work through your life in spite of (or because of) your weakness or limitations?
Thank you, Sharon, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Sharon has offered to give away a free copy of her book. To enter, click on the word "comments" below to reach the comments page, and leave your answer and your email in answer to Sharon's question above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
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I'm a bargin hunter.
I saw God in my special needs grandson, now in Heaven. In my mother's love,now in Heaven...
I always wanted to be a jungle pilot.
Patricia, that is so beautiful. God's strength truly shines from what we consider "weakness." And my mom recently went on ahead to heaven, too, and I agree I learned about God's unconditional love through her mother's love. Thanks for sharing
God’s strength is made perfect in weakness. During the years I lived in China, I didn’t know much Chinese. I would try my best to communicate with what little I knew. As a result, God sent people who helped me and became my friends.
As a parent of four girls, I see all my faults so clearly when I see myself through their eyes.... and yet they love me so much in spite of all that. God loves us in the same way - thoroughly and deeply - and in spite of our flaws!
LOVE that example of not speaking Chinese and the way God used your need for help to build friendships.
And Laurel, YES nothing like children to show us our PROFOUND failings!!! Yet they love us - and that does beautifully reflect the way that God loves us, understanding our weaknesses with so much compassion.
[So… I'm not sure my attempt to comment earlier worked. If it did and this is a duplicate, please feel free to delete it @Trish Perry!)
Ooh, that is a good (and hard!) question. One thing God has been teaching me through my struggles with my own weaknesses is that our weaknesses and strengths are linked—they are two sides of the same coin, so to speak. Now when I find myself frustrated with someone else's weaknesses I (sometimes remember to) consider what strengths the person has that the weaknesses may be linked to. And when I'm tempted to envy another person's strengths it helps me remember that those strengths are also linked to weaknesses. I'm so thankful God's power is made perfect in weakness and that we can *know* (even if at times it doesn't *feel* like it) that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and fully known and loved by Him.
This really is a good question, Sharon. A good one to consider at staggered (and staggering) times of life. I honestly don't think I recognize God's work in me during times of weakness. I only realize His work in hindsight. When my dear sister died, when my elderly parents leaned on me, when my granddaughter was born with a syndrome, and when my adult son broke his neck--all of those times I felt I was going to crumble under the sadness and worry. But He worked His will, provided His strength, and built new things into my core. I wish I would remember all of this the next time I'm challenged!
Hannah - I love that image of two sides of the same coin. I also try to think of that when I'm irritated or frustrated by someone. It comes from what can be a good quality that has gotten out of balance. Just as our weaknesses can often reflect a strength that needs some fine-tuning by our Savior, or can be utilized in a creative way by Him.
Trish, I'm SO there with you. I think when we are so devastated and broken by painful things, we are more aware of our need than ever, and that can make us much more aware of God's presence - although I know what you mean about not always recognizing that until we look back. Hindsight if helpful!
Sometimes my characters reach a point of brokenness and bewilderment and "I can't!" and it seems like God whispers to them, "You finally see that! Now watch me work." I've been noticing that in my own life, especially during a painful season of trauma and loss in recent months.
Sharon - Yes, exactly!
Also, I love how you have your characters sometimes reach that point of brokenness and bewilderment. You do it so well and in a way that feels so honest and true. That is definitely one of the things that makes me love your books.
I encourage those around me.
That's great, Caryl!
I love how we can comfort others with the same sort of comfort God has given to us in our hardships!
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