Before we revisit today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the free copy of the contemporary romance, Bookshop by the Sea, by Denise Hunter, is:
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And now let's catch up with novelist Nancy Moser, author of the inspirational novel, Eyes of Our Heart (Mustard Seed Press, September 2020).

Some of her books have garnered awards. The Pattern Artist was a finalist for a Romantic Times award. An Unlikely Suitor was named to Booklist's Top 100 Romance Novels of the last decade. Nancy's time-travel novel, Time Lottery, won a Christy Award, and Washington's Lady was a finalist.
Nancy and her husband live in the Midwest. She's earned a degree in architecture, traveled extensively in Europe, and has performed in numerous theaters, symphonies, and choirs. She is a fan of anything antique--humans included.
That last sentence gets more complimentary as time passes...
I performed in community theatre in Brigadoon, My Fair Lady, and Fiddler on the Roof.
You're definitely strong in the arts!

Eyes of Our Hearts was inspired by Ephesians 1: 18: "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people." This verse spurred me to follow five ordinary people as they share a common desire to see how God is working in their lives. But are they willing to merge their journey with His?
One eagerly accepts His invitation but has her own ideas about how His plan should play out. One feels she is too ordinary and of little use. One tries too hard to make things happen. Another continues their faithful life, seeking His ways. Yet another wants nothing to do with Him. How would you react?
That's a fascinating idea. I wish I had thought of it! It's such a good idea for those readers, as you said, who wonder what happened to characters featured in your past works.
I interview one of my characters about the important moments in their lives. That usually reveals some interesting personal history that leads to a new scene or plotline.
I believe I'll actually use that hint to generate some new info for the Christmas novella I'm currently writing. I'm not stuck, but your idea probably helps at any point in the writing process.
Randy Alcorn’s Safely Home. It showcases the persecution of Christians in China. But it’s so much more than that. It really made me think about the depth and strength of my own faith. What would I sacrifice for my faith? It’s a book I will never forget.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on a novel called An Undiscovered Life. My mother died in 2020 at age 99. While going through her belongings I realized all the different roles she’d played in her long life: a wife, mother, entrepreneur, teacher, saleswoman, activist, fashion designer, dreamer . . . It inspired An Undiscovered Life, a book about a matriarch who shares the lessons of her life with her family. They discover they have much in common, and much to learn—and cherish—from each other. We shouldn’t think of our elders as simply old. They are seasoned and wise and can be an inspiration!
Yes! And we do ourselves and our elders such a disservice to put off learning about them and from them while they're still with us. I was so glad my grandson took such an interest in my father's WWII career while my father was still alive. We learned things I never knew. Your new novel sounds like it will be excellent.
I’m an avid pinner on Pinterest with boards from fashion to books to recipes to decorating. I also post daily “visual verses” on Facebook. I started doing this on March 21, 2020 when the pandemic was starting, and I’m still doing it over a year later. Readers can find all my books on my website at www.nancymoser.com, and read my blogs of inspirational humor and interesting historical tidbits. Also find me at Goodreads, Instagram, and Bookbub.
The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Readers, you can access a sample from the novel by going HERE and clicking on Look Inside.
Finally, Nancy, what question would you like to ask my readers?
What makes you read a certain book? The cover? The title? An inner need for inspiration, curiosity, or simply a desire to be entertained?
Thank you, Nancy, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Nancy has offered to give away a free copy of her book. To enter, click on the word "comments" below to reach the comments page, and leave your answer and your email in answer to Nancy's question above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
Only United States residents are eligible for the drawing, but anyone can subscribe to the blog posts via the GDPA-compliant Feedblitz box above my list of books, at right.
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Curiosity and the burb on a book. cheetahthecat1986ATgmailDOTcom
The cover always catches my eye and then the blurb grabs me!
mauback55 at gmail dot com
Covers are huge for me. I'm a visual person.
Wow, Nancy! You are a woman of so many talents! The book cover and the blurb first grab my attention. Then I read the first page of the book. The cover may hook me, but I depend on that first page to reel me on in.
Hi Nancy, I like to see if the concept sounds interesting so a snappy paragraph about the book is really helpful. I've enjoyed reading so many of your books and this one sounds very interesting. And I look forward to the new one based on the family matriarch.
Hello! I look at the title and then read about what the book is about and then decide to read it or not.Your book really sounds interesting and convicting.
Barb Jansma
If I'm in a book store, book covers and blurbs are definitely the beginning for me, if the book hasn't already been recommended to me. Titles too. But reviews and recommendations in magazines or online are often the reason I look into a book, and at that point I'll read what actual readers have to say. I have such a long list of books to read, besides all of the books I've already bought. Toooo many books!
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