Before we chat with today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the free copy of Beth Vogt's new women's fiction release, The Best We've Been, is subscriber:
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And now let's chat again with novelist Suzanne Woods Fisher, author of the contemporary novel, On a Coastal Breeze, book 2 in the Three Sisters Island series (Revell Books, May 2020).

She lives with her very big family in northern California.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
I play tennis. Quite a bit of it. In fact, I’m a captain for several USTA and recreational leagues. Years ago, I played against an elderly woman who gave me a wonderful piece of advice. “Don’t ever stop,” she said. She meant it for tennis, but I took it as wisdom for aging in general. By the way, she beat me soundly.
Oh, she's so right! My daughter and son-in-law have become avid players, and they're in far better shape than I was at their age. I can see how sticking with it could keep one healthy. But you're right, as well. It's so important to stay active both physically and mentally.
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of On a Coastal Breeze.

And then Ricky O’Shea drops in. Literally. The one man in the world she hoped never to see again—the one who’d been her archnemesis from kindergarten through Senior Prom—parachutes into town, landing on Boon Dock. Now Pastor Rick, the new minister on Three Sisters Island.
Time to panic.
What is it about Maddie that will make your readers care about her?
Maddie is in between two sisters, a middle child in every way. She’s the heart of the family, holding everyone together through thick or thin. Her sisters would call it Velcro, or perhaps a sticky, suffocating glue.
Maddie has a tendency toward catastrophic thinking, but when you’ve faced the worst-case scenario, you know it can happen. And probably will.
Have you ever written a novel with a seasonal (or holiday) setting/theme? If you had to choose a seasonal or holiday setting, which would you choose?
I’ve written two novels set during the Christmas season (Christmas at Rose Hill Farm and A Lancaster County Christmas). I’ve loved writing them for two reasons: winter scenes create a wonderful backdrop. And Christmas novels have happy endings. After all, the entire point of Christmas is a joy-filled miracle: Emmanuel, God is with us.
Amen to that. I love being able to read a good Christmas novel during the season.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
A Gentleman in Moscow, by Amor Towles. Such a creative story about a life lived in community in the most unlikely setting.
Hmm. I visited the book's page on Amazon. Towles has wonderful ideas for his novels, including the one you mentioned. Truly creative. Thanks for that recommendation.
What are you working on now?
Book 3 in the Three Sisters Island series. It’s such fun to swoop back to this island—I know it so well that I feel as if I’m jumping right into it. Every nook and cranny, bird and beach, quirky characters. You know what they say: A small town is just like a big family.
I've never been to Niagara Falls or anywhere in the area of Three Sisters Island. I'll have to check out your series and visit that part of the country vicariously (which is the only way any of us can visit anywhere at the moment).
Where else can readers find you online?
Well! I’m so glad you asked. I love connecting with readers. Here’s lots of places to cross paths:
Twitter @suzannewfisher
Instagram @suzannewoodsfisher
Amazon Author Page
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The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
What silver lining have you discovered during your state’s Shelter-in-Place order? I know all the bad stuff (anxiety, worry, missing special events and celebration, just missing a regular life)…but what about the good stuff? Like…having extra time? Slowing down? Cleaning out closets? Reading good books? I’d love to hear about your silver lining.
Thanks, Suzanne, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Suzanne has offered to give away a free copy of her book. To enter, leave a comment and your email below in answer to her question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
Only United States residents are eligible for the drawing, but anyone can subscribe to the blog posts via the GDPA-compliant Feedblitz box above my list of books, at right.
Also readers, I'd love it if you'd connect with me on Facebook. Just click on my name at the right of today's post title.
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I have revisited making homemade bread to save trips to the grocery store. I haven’t made it in years but used to with my grandmother as a child. One thing I learned is that bread flour does indeed a better loaf of bread. It’s much lighter and I can get 3-4 loaves from a batch.
perrianne (DOT) askew (AT) me (DOT) com
Perrianne Askew
I wish I didn't have this silver lining, but I was glad to have my 16 yr old son around. Next year he's a senior and then off he goes. I loved seeing his face here all day. mnjesusfreak @ gmail . com
Hi Virginia! Thanks for taking a moment to comment...I cracked up when I read about your four food groups! Thanks for chiming in. Stay well! Suzanne
And Perrianne...I am so glad to hear about bread flour! I've been making a couple of new bread recipes (including sourdough). Will try bread flour! Thanks for commenting! warmly, Suzanne
My silver lining during the quarantine time has been more time to read, cross-stitch, and wood burn. Also, I've been able to spend more time outside on our farm. I love nature!
eclitton at gmail dot com
Hi Suzanne & Trish--I am a longtime fan of you both! I have a renewed appreciation for Faith, Family, Friends & Felines--the four corners of my world. I am also very grateful for my Four Food Groups: Coffee, Chocolate, Cheese & Cookies. Stay Safe and Best Wishes for all releases!!
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Hi! I managed to ckean out my craft supplies and just yesterday switched out my winter clothes for summer ones! No more gloomy colors!
I did a little crafting and lots of reading. I may even sew some new tops. And finally go shopping for my birthday which was on the 15th.
More time to go walking in the early mornings and enjoy the peace and quiet in the downtown area. There are actually ducks and wild rabbits never seen on the university grounds before. Seeing things in a different way. cheetahthecat1986ATgmailDOTcom
My silver lining is just slowing down. I have had time to read...and do crossword puzzles and watch the little boys next door play on their swings... . God is good and I'm trusting Him to get us through this safely. And a big hello to Suzanne! Sans753@atlanticbb.net
My silver lining was continuing to be paid though I couldn't work (I'm a special ed para at an elementary school) since school went online only. I missed the kids and coworkers but enjoyed having more time to read and especially enjoyed having more time for gardening. I was able to get my flower beds cleaned out well before the flowers started blooming. Usually I don't have time since I'm working.
Thanks for the giveaway of On a Coastal Breeze. I enjoyed the first book very much.
The forced slowdown has made me once again realize the important things in life. Family, digging deeper in God's word, and clinging closer to my faith in Him. It's not been easy, I've had my not-so-good moments and have went through a lot of emotions at times. But it definitely reinforces my total reliance on the Lord in my life, I know He has me in His capable hand!
Love this post and getting to know Suzanne a bit more. I've read several of her Amish books and really look forward to discovering this new contemporary series! Thank you for the giveaway chance.
I am a subscriber :-)
teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com
This selah period has been great to draw closer to the Lord. I've been watching YouTube teachings from ministries I follow. Reading through my personal library. I'm excited to see what blessings the Lord will bring forth from this time.
I'm a subscriber.
I had had major surgery, a kidney removed, on December 26th. I was just getting stronger, walking better, and driving when the stay at home order went into place. At first I was a bit disappointed, but realized this was the safest thing to be doing and God's plan.
I felt very close to my family, my daughter went to the grocery store. I helped her when she had her virtual music classes to teach by taking care of my wonderful two year old grandson! He loves the fact Mom is home and Dad is home a lot more!! Though he does like to go, esp to gymnastics class.
I have enjoyed the lack of pressure, I have cleaned a big desk out, but now have lots of paper to file in it. I have looked at the quarantine as an extension of my recovery. And I have asthma, diabetes, am a senior and had major surgery, so I need to be extra careful.
I love your books, there is always so many twist and turns, great intrique!!!
Hi Suzanne I have enjoyed spending more time reading and cleaning my much needed closet's out plus walking more outside with my grandchildren I already follow You on FB Blessings To you and Trish! SARAHTAYLOR601973(at)YAHOO(dot)COM
I actually don't feel like I have had as much time as usual! I've enjoyed not wearing makeup and wearing old comfortable clothes! jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com
I was in a severe auto accident Feb 6 from which I’m still in recovery. At least I was “quarantined” before it was required. So I was recovering with physical therapy and home health, staying home out of necessity. The positive of it all I guess is that I am gradually improving. Eight more weeks until my next appointment.
Right before the quarantine I almost died and had major surgery. My husband and son, a nurse have been taking
great care of me. I see God's faithfulness and healing hand each day and the blessing of a wonderful family.
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
Wow, what a variety of experiences during these past two months! I thank God that the time was available for those of you who needed to heal physically from traumas and surgeries. Like many of you who commented above, I've spent more time reading and enjoying the company of family. My adult son (who some of you know broke his neck the last day of August last year) had just returned to his own place before the lockdown. He decided to come back and spend most of his lockdown time with us, which has been wonderful. I live with my daughter's family--they're always super busy. So it's been fun watching them devote more time to fixing up the house so it feels and looks more like home.
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