Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the free e-copy of my novel, Sunset Beach, is:
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And now let's meet novelist Yvonne Lehman, author of Moments with Billy Graham (Grace Publishing, November 2018)

Her attendance at Billy Graham’s School of Christian Writing marked the beginning of her writing career a few decades ago. She founded and directed the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writing Conference for 25 years and the Blue Ridge Novel Retreat for 12 years. She teaches Writers Workshops and mentors other writers in her home, online, and at writers conferences.
Yvonne lives in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina with her equally beautiful blond and white Pomeranian, Rigel (a rescued dog named after a Titanic survivor dog with that name).
A recently released novel is The Gift (LPC Candlelight Romance, about a couple trying to help a teenager reconcile the loss of her little sister with the love of God) Her most popular book is Hearts that Survive—A Novel of the Titanic.
Please tell us a random thing we might not know about you.
In 2004, after my husband died sitting in a recliner in the family room (he had terminal cancer), I decided to fulfill a dream and go to Israel, taking my fun daughter and pastor son with me. That was the most outstanding event of my life. I walked on the pages of the Bible. It does not just tell us about ancient times so long ago, but those places exist, are alive and well in that country. I felt God’s presence in a deeper way than ever before. Some had asked was I not afraid to go to Israel. I replied, “No.” I was more afraid of dying in a recliner in my family room.
Oh, my. That's a concise and poignant testimony. Makes me want to go!
Please tell us a bit more about Moments with Billy Graham.

Only after I put the word out on social media, and began receiving articles, did I balk. “What? I’m compiling a book about the world’s most famous evangelist?” Why me? But God works that way. He loves us all and uses us as we’re willing and able.
Why will readers enjoy your book?
Readers will enjoy the book because, like my stories, the personal-story tellers (not necessarily “writers”) tell how the ministry of one man changed their lives. There’s also the element of a friend, or relative, or advertisement, leading the author to Billy Graham’s ministry of radio, TV, books, or crusades. Just as one man preached the night Billy Graham went forward to surrender his life to God, one person (each of us) has the opportunity to change the life of another, who in turn, might change the world. The authors of the Moments series are reaching the world, since none get royalties, but all the royalties go to Samaritan’s Purse.
What facet of the writing craft comes easiest to you? What do you struggle with?
Getting wonderful ideas is easy for me and I can visualize an entire book that will lead to a meaningful, exciting, intriguing conclusion. Then… ahem… the struggle is sitting at that computer and “working, working, working” my way along that journey to the great conclusion. Time and effort, it takes. Also failure, which with sweat and tears, lead to success.
Absolutely, that's a struggle! I'm always happy when I sit down to write and find I previously left a chapter or scene only partially finished. It's so much easier to come in editing, rather than starting the scene from scratch.
What is the last book you read that moved you?
It’s generally whatever I’m reading. They each have something to offer whether the story is by an experienced or beginning writer. I recently read a book because I belong to an alumni book club which forces me to read what I otherwise wouldn’t. I rarely read non-fiction but this one had an impact. Switch, by Chip Heath & Dan Heath, is about how to change things when change is hard. Its purpose is mainly for organizations but impacted me on its also being a self-help for individuals, whether I’m trying to change or teaching others. For the club, I’m now reading Educated, by Tara Westover, and discovering a memoir can be written as if a novel. Also reading Edie Melson’s devotional, Soul Care When You're Weary, and it gives me insight into her, God, and creativity.
Those are so varied and interesting. I always have several books going at once, too.
What are you working on now?
I’m currently compiling and editing Romantic Moments, receiving articles for Grandma’s Cookie Jar Moments, Can, Sir! Moments, and Christmas Moments 2019. Also preparing classes for conferences, critiquing and mentoring manuscripts. The novel I’m working on is Song in the Night. The proposal is with an agent. It’s a contemporary story of a Christian woman, a Jewish man, a young boy, and a devastated pastor; how their lives entwine, conflict, and the extraordinary results.
Where else can readers find you or your writing online?
I am on facebook and twitter. My website is www.yvonnelehman.com but it is in dire need of updating. This should have been the answer to “what I struggle with.” Technology and I aren’t friends. My email is: yvonnelehman3@gmail.com
Thank you, Yvonne, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Yvonne has offered to give away a free copy of her novel. To enter, leave a comment and your email below. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
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What a great testimony for living life to its fullest, Yvonne. My dream is to someday go to Israel. I enjoyed reading about your Billy Graham collection and all your works in progress. And, The Gift sounds great! For some reason, I can't find the question to readers (and I reread three times). There is a big blank space (about 4 inches) in the blog post on my screen--between the paragraph ending with your email address and Trish's Thank You paragraph--so I'm thinking the question is, "Where is the question?" LOL, and my answer is "I think I'll reread again and try to find it." (Just kidding!)
lol, that was my bad, Vie. I used boilerplate from my previous post, and then after sending the alert email out, I realized I hadn't had Yvonne pose a question (which I usually do when I feature fiction authors). I went back and edited, but if you're using the link from the alert email, I imagine you'll see a blank space.
Sorry for the confusion, all!
For this post, just commenting will enter you.
Don't feel bad! I read it three times too trying to find it. No one had commented at the time, so I decided to wait and see if anyone else said the same thing.
I live in Upstate SC, about 1 1/2 hours from Black Mountain. I've been there once a long time ago. Of course, being a Southern Baptist girl, I've heard Billy Graham preach many times. My daughter also did the shoe box ministry in school.
It sounds like a very interesting book. Thank you for the giveaway.
Linda - rayorr[at]bellsouth[dot]com
I was already a Christian by the time I first watched a Billy Graham Crusade event on TV, but if I hadn't been, I WOULD have been by the time he finished. What a common-sense, yet profound ministry he always presented.
I remember watching Billy Graham Crusades on TV when I was a kid (probably about 50 years ago). He was a very moving speaker, full of God's wisdom. Thanks for the chance to win this book.....it sounds great!
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