Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the signed copy of A Conspiracy of Breath, by Latyane Scott, is:
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And now let's visit with novelist Zoe McCarthy, author of the contemporary Christian romance, Gift of the Magpie (Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, August 2017).

Besides penning books, she gives workshops on writing, teaches the community Bible study, and crochets and knits for a prayer shawl ministry.
Zoe has two sons and six grandchildren. She and her husband live in Southwest Virginia, where they enjoy exploring the Blue Ridge Mountains and canoeing the New River.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
As a Coast Guard brat, I lived three years in Haiti during the rise of Papa Doc and was later evacuated from the Guantanamo Bay Cuba Naval Base during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Wow, that sounds pretty exciting! I was a little girl in elementary school at that time, and I remember being frightened all the way up here in the States. I can't imagine being in the thick of it.
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of Gift of the Magpie.

Now, in the deepest snow accumulation Richmond, Virginia has experienced in years, Camden Lancaster moves in across the street. After ten years, her heart still smarts from the humiliating aftermath of their perfect high school Valentine’s Day date. He may have transformed into a handsome, amiable man, but his likeability doesn’t instill trust in Amanda’s heart.
When Cam doesn’t recognize her on their first two encounters, she thinks it’s safe to be his fair-weather neighbor. Boy is she wrong.
What is it about Amanda that will make your readers care about her?
When Cam moves in across the street, Amanda, although a successful teacher and an award-winning author of books for boys, fears Cam will have a second chance to murder her self-worth as he’d nearly done ten years ago.
Share with us one line or paragraph that gives us a good feel for the tone of your novel.
A looming deadline and an embarrassing Cam-encounter were serious business. Sure, in fifty years, she might view Cam moving in across the street as hilarious, but she needed help now. And God knew this. Thankfully. Perhaps God would keep her on task and, in His mercy, send Cam back west where his family had relocated.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
The Road to Testament by Eva Marie Everson. I recommend it for the same reason I like to write this type of book. I enjoyed the humor and tenderness, and the banter and problems of two opposites. The story had a mystery, a southern setting, and an engaging romance.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on the second book in my Twisty Creek series that will be part of a multi-author 2019 Valentine’s Day collection.
Where else can readers find you online?
The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
What is your method of finding the books that you enjoy reading?
Thank you, Zoe, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Zoe has offered to give away an e-copy of her novel. To enter, leave a comment and your email below in answer to Zoe's question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
Only United States residents are eligible for the drawing, but anyone can subscribe to the blog posts via the GDPA-compliant Feedblitz box above my list of books, at right.
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Zoe, it's so great to see you here! Gift of the Magpie is an awesome story! Can't wait to read your next book. As a Coast Guard brat, did you live in many different places? Is there a particular place you were that you enjoyed more than the others?
I have many methods for finding books that I enjoy reading. I search for a book I like on Amazon, and then see what other books/authors are recommended. I follow authors I enjoy to see who they interact with. Facebook parties are a great way to find new authors of stories I enjoy reading.
Hi Sally, I see you everywhere. You are very active. As a Coast Guard brat I move every 2 to 3 years. I also lived in Bangkok, Thailand during the Vietnam war. I loved Haiti, but I know its beauty is fairly ravaged now. I keep the memories close though.
Hi, Trish! And Zoe! (and you too, Sally!)
I love finding friends here on your blog, Trish. I loved Gift of the Magpie and know that the lucky winner of the e-copy will enjoy it as well.
I don't need to be in the contest, but to answer your question, I find books mostly via BookBub. I also keep up with new releases from my favorite writers and try to get their books.
Hi VIe, thanks for your words about Gift of the Magpie and answering my burning question.
Thanks for your comments so far, ladies! I know you've already read Zoe's novel, so you didn't enter your [fractured] email for the drawing, but I just wanted to remind anyone who wants to be included to do so.
I have a ridiculous TBR pile, but I do still pay attention to book reviews and use them sometimes to choose the books I read. So, while often the book I'm reading in hand (or on my iPad) is an older one I've purchased, the books I listen to while I drive tend to be current bestsellers in audio form (from the library). I am verrrrry slowly making my way through my purchased-book library!
Hi Trish, thank you for hosting me on Reading Writing, and the Stuff In-Between.
Hi, Vie! Great to see you here too! Hi, Trish! Love your blog. You host so many authors. I've found many new to me authors here too!
I'm so glad to hear that, Sally! It always helps to know a little about the authors and what they had in mind when writing their novels.
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