Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the e-copy of Gift of the Magpie, by Zoe McCarthy, is:
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And now let's visit with novelist Elizabeth Maddrey, author of the contemporary Christian romance, A Heart Reclaimed (JoNaTiMa Books, April 2018).

When she isn’t writing, Elizabeth is a voracious consumer of books. She loves to write about Christians who struggle through their lives, dealing with sin and receiving God’s grace on their way to their own romantic happily ever after.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
I enjoy police procedural TV shows (and books) and can get entirely too caught up watching shows like Blue Bloods when they get a new season on Netflix.
TV viewing certainly is different now, isn't it? Do we wait until the end of a season and then binge, or do we get a little fix each week?
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of A Heart Reclaimed.

Duncan McIntyre is grateful to spend time away from his job at a prestigious D.C. landscaping firm to help his sister in southern Virginia. Restoring the grounds of Peacock Hill to their former glory is just the sort of challenge he’s been looking for.
Anna Hamilton wants to get out from behind the reference desk at the library and use the landscaping degree she worked so hard to earn ten years ago. When she’s invited to consult at Peacock Hill, she thinks it’s the answer to her prayers. Until she realizes Duncan McIntyre, the guy who drowned out all her opinions on team projects in college, is in charge.
Determined to stick it out and add Peacock Hill to her resumé, Anna and Duncan work together to reclaim the grounds from years of neglect. Will the garden they plant blossom into love?
What is it about Anna that will make your readers care about her?
Anna sees working on the gardens at Peacock Hill as her last chance at capturing her dream. She’s determined to prove herself. At the same time, she isn’t completely sure she has what it takes. I think she has that mix of confidence and wounded self-esteem that lurks inside a lot of us, so we can’t help but root for her to conquer.
Share with us one line or paragraph that gives us a good feel for the tone of your novel.
He was in charge. Of course he was in charge. Duncan McIntyre was always in charge—even when he wasn’t supposed to be. How many projects had they been on together, and the team had all looked to him, even when her ideas were better? Or at least as good. She sighed and kicked the corner of the mattress in the room Deidre had shown her to once she and Duncan had come to an understanding of sorts. It was clean and private. That was about all it had going. The bathroom was down the hall, shared with Deidre...and she shouldn’t be complaining. She hadn’t been summarily dismissed, and that was enough. Or it had the potential to be enough. A project like this was a huge opportunity to get her portfolio going. And she had to do something to get away from the archives. Her soul died a little every day she went in to work.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
Harvest of Love by Valerie Comer. I love all of Valerie’s books, but this one really touched me. Her hero has a learning difficulty that essentially left him unable to read as an adult. There are so many adults who still struggle with literacy and I thought she handled his challenge with grace and hope.
I met Valerie at a writer's conference eons ago. She's a lovely woman, with a great sense of humor.
What are you working on now?
Right now, I’m putting the final touches on book 3 in the Peacock Hill Romance series. A Heart Realigned will release next month. I’ve also got a Christmas book that’s part of a collection that’s in the final stages of editing and I’m hoping to finish up a second Christmas book soon. It’s busy right now!
Busy is good! Where else can readers find you online?
My website has basic information and links to all my books (www.ElizabethMaddrey.com), I love interacting with readers on my (Facebook page) and if people want to see little snippets of my life, they can follow me on (Instagram ).
The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
Do you have something you’ve always wanted to do but lacked the courage to try? What is it?
Thank you, Elizabeth, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Elizabeth has offered to give away an e-copy of her novel. To enter, leave a comment and your email below in answer to Elizabeth's question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
Only United States residents are eligible for the drawing, but anyone can subscribe to the blog posts via the GDPA-compliant Feedblitz box above my list of books, at right.
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Five years ago I went to visit friends in China.
Would I do it again? You bet I would, if my friends were still there but have retired and moved back to the States.
Janet E.
Oh wow! I'd love to travel, but I'll admit that most of Asia scares me simply because it's *so* different from what I know. Glad you got to make the trip!
Zip lining. Looks super fun but am totally afraid of heights.
mindyhoung AT msn DOT com
I'm a horrible swimmer and wish that I had been taught when I was young. Now I'm too old and embarrassed to want to learn. Also, I have some claustrophobia issues with being underwater! Lol Mylittlebirdiebooks [at] gmail [dot] com
MJSH - Zip lining is so fun! My husband and I did it when we went on a cruise with my extended family several years ago. I was a little scared at the top, I admit, but I'm so glad I went through with it. If you get the chance, I hope you'll take it!
Karen - Oh, you're never too old to learn to swim! I have a lovely friend who just learned at more than 50. Now she swims laps every week for exercise.
Thanks, both of you, for stopping in!
I have always wanted to sky dive but never have. Maybe some day!!
I have always wanted to be an author, but I love reading more. Getting to know authors has taught me there is so much more that authors do beside writing the actual book. Thank you! rose blackard (at) Gmail (dot) com
I have always wanted to live on a farm or ranch just tending to some beautiful horses and animals. But the dream keeps getting further away. I did think of becoming a writer at one time. From the time i learned how to write, ask my family. 7 sisters, one brother. I had boxes and boxes of my writing and wouldn't let anyone read them. Way up into my thirties. Then life got harder. Anyway. I now am very happy just to be able to connect with my Author's and read still. Can't take my reading from me. Thank you for connecting with your fans, Elizabeth Maddrey. My e-mail is cmallett32@gmail.com. Thank you.
Hope i did this right. cmallett32@gmail.com
Faith - hope you get the chance! I think I'm a little too chicken to sky dive. But I might do the thing where you get to simulate the feeling over a big fan (have you seen those places?)
Rose - writing is so much fun, but I also adore reading. And oh yes, there's so much 'behind the scenes' for authors - but I think that's probably a lot like any art.
Living on a farm with animals would be lovely - but not if I had to try and grow things. I have such terrible luck with any sort of growing, I couldn't do a produce farm. :) And I'm glad you still have books - they really do make life a lot more enjoyable, don't they?
Thanks for coming by! I love getting to chat with readers!
I'm like you, Karen, I never learned to swim. My parents had their hands full and never got any of us swimming lessons as kids. I tried lessons so many times as an adult, and I never managed to relax enough to get it right. I made a point of getting my kids lessons right away to avoid that for them. I do regret not getting to experience the feeling.
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