Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the signed copy of Upon a Spring Breeze, by Kelly Irvin, is:
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And now let's chat with novelist Susan Page Davis, author of the romantic mystery, Heartbreaker Hero: Eddie’s Story (Tea Tin Press, July 2017).
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
Once upon a time, many (many) years ago, I was a waitress at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant, and I served Bob Dylan a cup of tea. With lemon.
How fun! I'm sure your gracious attention led to a well-crafted song in his repertoire.
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of Heartbreaker Hero: Eddie's Story.

On New Year’s Eve, he and Leeanne are involved in a multi-car accident. They aren’t hurt, and Eddie helps the people in the vehicle ahead of them, putting out an engine fire and hauling a toddler from the back seat. Someone posts a video of his heroic actions, and that starts a frenzy over the dashing detective.
Leeanne isn’t sure what to think when scores of women join a Facebook poll that asks how many women have cried over Eddie. Living down his past may be harder than facing his future.
What is it about Eddie that will make your readers care about him?
Eddie used to like being the “bad boy.” He had his pick of the women in his circle. Now that he’s a Christian, he wants to clean up his act, but he finds himself in an awkward position, given his reputation. As his friend says, he doesn’t want to play with the bad girls anymore, but the good girls want nothing to do with him. Eddie has to prove that he’s trustworthy, which is made difficult by gossip and unsought publicity.
Many readers enjoy reading seasonally set novels (Christmas, summer beach reads, etc.). Have you written anything seasonally set? If not, which season would you like to focus on in a novel?
The featured book, Heartbreaker Hero, is set in December and January in Maine, which means lots of snow, a power outage, and more seasonal happenings. I think I’ve set books in every season now, but I haven’t done a lot with holidays other than Christmas. I have included Thanksgiving in some books. This one also includes New Year’s Eve, and The Saboteur and The Priority Unit include Memorial Day.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
I just finished Ann Gabhart’s Murder at the Courthouse. It was a fun read.
What are you working on now?
I’m finishing up a cozy mystery for Guideposts in the Tearoom Mysteries series, and also working on Book 5 in the Maine Justice Series (The House Next Door). Harvey dabbles in real estate, but he has no idea of the terror it will bring to his family.
Where else can readers find you online?
Website: www.susanpagedavis.com
Twitter: @SusanPageDavis
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The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
Eddie unintentionally becomes the city’s hero. Do you have a secret hero?
Thanks, Susan, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Susan has offered to give away a signed copy of her book. To enter, leave a comment below in answer to Susan's question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
Also, I'd love it if you'd connect with me on Facebook. Just click on my name at the right of today's post.
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My dad is my hero. He will be 89 in a few months. He still golfs five days a week and since my mother is in a nursing home he goes and sits for a while with her every day.
My father in law was my hero. He passed away April 1 but I got to tell him he was. He piloted a boat taking troops to Omaha Beach during the Normandy invasion in WWII.
My husband is my hero. He works very hard at all he does. He's retired now but spent the day felling trees with my son to prepare the land for construction. He is a pastor emeritus and helps out at Church because our Pastor is an Army Chaplain as well . He does a lot around the house, including the dishes. He says I worked hard before I retired, so he's trying to let me do what I like to do best: craft and read! paulams49ATsbcglobalDOTnet I subscribe to this newsletter.
Hmmm....a secret hero? Not sure that it is secret, but my husband is my hero. My dad was never in my life until the end of his, but watching my husband be an incredible daddy to our daughters gets me every time. He's an everyday hero, day after day. Thanks for the giveaway, and for the new book to watch for. Danandlyndaedwards[at]msn[dot]com.
I love reading all these stories. Thank you, Melanie, Gail, Paula, and Lynda! Wish I could meet all your wonderful heroes.
My husband is my hero. He's always been a great example of what a Godly man should be to our 20yr son, the kind of man to look for to our 25yr old daughter, a fun grandpa to our three yr old granddaughter and a strong spiritual leader to our family. He loves unconditionally, gives of his time & effort and helps wherever he can and to anyone he can. :-)
Thank you for the giveaway chance. I am a subscriber Trish, thanks for the extra entry!
teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com
Wonderful to have this man in your family, Trixi!
I don't have a secret hero because it is not secret that my husband and my dad are my heroes. :)
I love the premise of this story. It is so interesting that a viral video has the potential to cause problems that we don't think about. I'm adding this one to my TBR list.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Nice perspective, Loraine. Thanks for your input.
My hero is my husband who stood for our marriage after I divorced him. A year and a half later we were remarried and had our third son we call our restoration baby. Now after 34 years we are still madly in love, and he is my best friend. He showed me what unconditional love was.
Deana Dick
I do not have a secret hero. Enjoy your books. jrs0350 @ yahoo dot com
I often talk about my father being my hero, so I suppose I could call my mother my secret hero. As the mother of five, one of whom had very serious physical problems during her entire 36 years, Mom demonstrated grit and love and amazing care. When she became too old to provide care for everyone else, she apologized until she was no longer able to remember what a wonderful servant of love she had been. We lost Mom in January (followed by Dad in February) this year. They were both phenomenal, strong heroes in my life, and I will miss them forever.
Trish, that's a beautiful tribute to your mom. I know I miss my mom a lot, and it's been more than 20 years since she passed away. Deanna, kudos to you AND your husband! And thanks for checking in, Anonymous. I always enjoy the conversations here, Trish.
My secret hero are the caregivers who are caring for Alzheimer's patients. My Mom died from this terrible disease 5 years ago. I have walked in their shoes so my hat is off to them.
Janet E.
They are true heroes, Janet. I absolutely agree with you.
I actually have two heroes. 1) Jesus Christ 2) my mom
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net
Lori, love your answer. It reflects a scene in the featured book, Heartbreaker Hero, where a reporter asks Eddie what his superpower is. He replies, "I don't have one, but I have a supernatural person helping me." The reporter shut him down, but he was able to give God the glory.
A Secret Hero was my Uncle Dan that stepped in as a foster Dad when I was 10 living away from home.
He always treated me the same as my cousins,his children.
I miss this man even though he has been gone for many years.
No secret hero but I loved Heartbreaker Hero!
Thanks, Robin!
Linda, three cheers for your Uncle Dan!
My Daddy will ALWAYS be my hero! He overcame many things in his life. He's been home in Heaven since January 2012.
psalm103and138 at gmail dot com
My dad was and will always be my hero! He served in the U.S. Coast Guard during WWII even though he was scared to death of large bodies of water. He worked very hard to make sure all of our needs were met. My mom was a stay at home mom who worked together with my dad to make a happy home for our family. He did all of the grocery shopping and mom did all of the cooking. It was a special treat when we all went to town together to shop. Together my parents raised us 6 kids to be good citizens and respect all of those in authority. My dad passed in 1993 and my mom passed in April of this year.
I love reading all of these tributes. Dads seem to be the most represented. Donna, my brother is a retired Coast Guard officer, and My dad was in the Navy in WWII. Real heroes!
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