Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the e-copy of An Encore for Estelle, by Kimberly Rose Johnson, is:
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And now let's chat with novelist Martha Rogers, author of the romance novella, Mission of Love, in the National Parks Romance Collection (Winged Publications Forget Me Not Romances, June 2017).

Martha and her husband are active in First Baptist Church in Houston where she teaches a Bible class and sings in the choir. They have been blessed with nine grandchildren, two grandsons-in-law and four great-grandchildren.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
I earned a Bachelor of Science Degree from Baylor University and taught homemaking for over 18 years before switching to English and earning my Master of Education Degree.
I had no idea! Very cool, Martha.
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of Mission of Love.
Chelsea and Ryan both have wounded hearts that haven't completely healed, but Ryan has the added burden of being disable due to a mine explosion in Afghanistan and a sordid past in college. They find themselves together on a mission trip with the youth from the church they attend. Through the antics of the teens and wise counsel from other adults on the trip, the mission trip to spread God's love to others becomes a mission of finding love for each other in the midst of their past heartache and disappointment.
What is it about Chelsea that will make your readers care about her?
Chelsea’s fiancé broke off their engagement only weeks before the wedding. She moves to a new city and a new church where she becomes involved as a teacher in the youth division with no time to be concerned about a man in her life. She loves the teenagers both at church and in the middle school where she teaches eighth grade English. She’s not sure she’s ready to trust another man with her heart, but she’s wants to move on with her life and be the woman God wants her to be.
Many readers enjoy reading seasonally set novels (Christmas, summer beach reads, etc.). Have you written anything seasonally set? If not, which season would you like to focus on in a novel?
I’ve written several Christmas novels and novellas as well as one for Valentine’s Day. My favorite is Christmas. I suppose that’s why I’ve written more of them than any other holiday.
What are you working on now?
I have several novellas due the next few months. One is a turn of the century novella for Barbour, First Love Forever. I’m also working on another Christmas novella for an October deadline.
Where else can readers find you online?
My website is www.marthawrogers.com, and I’m a contributor to a history blog at www.hhhistory.com
The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
When you see a book with a great cover, what convinces you to actually buy the book?
Thanks, Martha, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Martha has offered to give away an e-copy of her book. To enter, leave a comment below in answer to Martha's question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com. Many commenters are left out of the drawing because they forget to include a way for me to notify them of their win (their email).
Also, I'd love it if you'd connect with me on Facebook. Just click on my name at the right of today's post.
Annoying legal disclaimer: drawings void where prohibited; open only to U.S. residents; the odds of winning depend upon the number of participants. See full disclaimer, as well as my Disclosure of Material Connection HERE
If a book cover lures me-- I next see who the author is and then read the back blurb for what the story is about. Thanks for the chance to win! paulams49ATsbcglobalDOTnet
Hi, Paula. You do exactly what I do. If the cover draws me, I want to know more about the book. If it's a new author to me, the back cover copy is really important. Thanks for stopping by.
I do exactly what Paula does but I also look to see who the publisher of the book is.
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
Janet E.
Thanks for stopping by Janet. Who the publisher is can be very important in the decision for a book.
Hello martha.
Hello Martha. I See a cover that attracts me, then read the back to see if it is interesting to me. Of course if it is by certain authors, then I pretty much know I will like it. Love to win. Thanks for the giveaway. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com
Yes, I'm with others here. If I like a book cover, I'll read the blurb before making a decision. Shows how important both the cover AND the blurb are!
I see everyone looks at the cover, but it seems to be the author and the back cover copy that makes a difference. Recently I looked at a book, didn't care for the cover, read the back cover copy, then bought the book even though I wasn't familiar with that author. I loved the book. Glad I didn't go strictly by the cover. :)
Agreed, Martha. I think most of us authors have had covers we might have preferred to change! You know that old adage.....
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