Before we talk with today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the free Kindle copy of the historical romance, A Song for Her Enemies, by Sherri Stewart, is:
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And now let's chat with novelist Cathy Gohlke, author of the historical World War II novel, Night Bird Calling (Tyndale House Publishers, January 2021).

Cathy is one of my very favorite novelists, I should mention.
I’ve always loved wild birds and gardening, but after a move to a townhouse during the early days of the pandemic, I feared I’d lose access to both. With so much time at home I became fascinated with container gardening and feeding birds from my back deck and small front garden dogwood tree. Flowers in pots during warm months and “flowers with wings” in the winter—I’ve loved the colors and songs in every season and have discovered we can truly bloom wherever we’re planted.
How wonderful. I swear, I lived in my townhouse for ten years, always intending to try container gardening, and I never got around to it! My brown thumb intimidates me (and the plants).

Slowly, Lilliana finds revival and friendship in No Creek—with precocious eleven-year-old Celia Percy, with kind-hearted Reverend Jesse Willard, and with Ruby Lynne Wishon, a young woman whose secrets threaten to destroy both them and the town. When the plans for the library also incite the wrath of the Klan, the dangers of Lilliana's past and present threaten to topple her before she’s learned to stand.
With war brewing for the nation and for her newfound community, Lilliana must overcome a hard truth voiced by her young friend Celia: Wishing comes easy. Change don’t.
What is it about Lilliana that will make your readers care about her?
Though Lilliana flees an abusive husband and father, she determines to help a young woman with troubles not unlike her own. At great risk to herself she’s a valiant protector and helper of those in need, even while making the emotional journey to learn that she, too, is a valued daughter of God and worthy of love, forgiveness and help.
Imagine you’ve been contracted to write a novel about a real person. About whom would you want to write?
I’d love to research and write about Mary Morris Knowles (1733-1807), a British Quaker widow active in the abolition of slavery movement.
I'd definitely read that book, if you ever got the chance to write it.
This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger taught me much about the Native American experience in orphanages and schools determined to strip a people of its language and culture, and the extent which all people will go to be free. Beautifully, exquisitely written with much heart and pathos, This Tender Land is a story and an author I will not forget.
It sounds terribly sad, too, as most novels about Native American history are. Thanks for the recommendation, Cathy.
I’ve just finished writing a second No Creek Novel, A Hundred Crickets Singing, and am ready to begin edits. Here is a rough idea: When a 1944 storm rips open a sealed attic room, the contents of a false bottom trunk expose old wounds and reveals a hidden longstanding wrong. Can clues from a Civil War diary lead Celia and Joe to right that wrong and help No Creek’s citizens toward reconciliation and a path forward, or is the threat of danger still too great?
Where else can readers find you online?
Face Book @ cathygohlkebooks
YouTube Book Gems with Cathy Gohlke
The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Readers, you can access a sample from the novel by going HERE and clicking on Look Inside.
Finally, Cathy, what question would you like to ask my readers?
When reading historical fiction, what time period and country do you most like to read?
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Cool. I love her books. cheetahthecat1986ATgmailDOTcom
When reading historical fiction I usually tend towards American history, I love Westerns or turn of the century 1900's, or one of my favorite little niches is Appalachia at anytime period--early America, or more 1930's 1940's--I think I like reading about tough folks with a will to make the best of what they have.
I have always wanted to get into gardening, but have chosen other passions over it time and time again, like reading, crochet and quilting.
crazi.swans at gmail dot com
This sounds like a book I definitely want to read!
The times of history I like are 1700 - 1800 in American history and also the early 1900's
My reading is varied though, have been reading first hand accounts of persons who have gone through the Holocaust.
Barb at bjansma3@gmail.com
I love almost any time period for historical books. This is definitely one I’d like to read.
I love Cathy's books and am anxious to read this one! Thanks for your giveaway. I like historicals for any time period.
jacsmi75 at gmail dot com
I enjoy reading a variety but the American Colonial period may be my favorite. jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com
I really enjoy a lot of variety, so I like to read a few different eras in historical fiction. I like WWI, WWII and Civil War and some colonial era novels. I am definitely open to another time frame. Cathy Gohlke is not afraid to write about the tough stuff in life
Perrianne Askew
perrianne (DOT) askew (AT) me (DOT) com
Kim--thank you so much. I'm glad you've enjoyed my books and hope you enjoy Night Bird Calling. It's a story close to my heart. God bless!
Faith, thank you so much for your detailed comment. It always helps when authors know what readers most enjoy reading. Since Night Bird Calling is set in rural Appalachia in the early 1940s, it might be just the ticket. I, too, enjoy reading about strong characters who make it through tough times--or their journey to strength. Those stories inspire me. God bless!
Elizabeth, I hope you enjoy Night Bird Calling! Thanks so much for stopping by. God bless!
Barbara, thanks so much for your detailed comment about time periods you enjoy reading about. Since you have been reading first hand accounts of those who lived through the Holocaust you might enjoy my novel, The Medallion, set primarily in Poland and later in England. It won the historical category of the Christy Award last year and includes some real people as some of the characters. It was such a difficult time period to research and write about, but also a real blessing to better understand what people lived through. God bless!
Paula, thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you enjoy Night Bird Calling. God bless!
Jackie, thank you for that wonderful encouragement! I'm so glad you enjoy my books, and hope you'll enjoy this one. God bless!
Joan, thanks so much for stopping by. I've never written about the Colonial Period but, like you, find it fascinating. God bless!
Perrianne, it sounds like your tastes are very similar to mine. I've written about all the time periods you mention except the Colonial Era. Researching and writing about different time periods is like stepping into other worlds--one I never take for granted. There are touch subjects in every era--history, sadly, repeats itself with astonishing regularity and offers much for the pen. Many thanks for stopping by, and God bless!
Trish, I so appreciate you hosting me today! It's always a pleasure to reconnect with you and to talk books. Many, many thanks and God's rich blessings for you!
I enjoy historical novels about varied periods and places, including America, but definitely beyond. I probably read more contemporary fiction, but this past year my historical reads included 19th Century Prussia and early-to-mid 20th Century Hong Kong, Korea, Syria, Cuba, the American South, and the Australian Outback. Looks like it's been a while since I read anything from farther back in time! It's good to review one's reading habits once in awhile, no?
Cathy, thanks so much for visiting my blog commenters too. Many blessings to you and your writing.
Historical novels set during WWII are some of my favorites. Night Bird Calling sounds like a wonderful book.
mauback55 at gmail dot com
Ireland at anytime!
Cathy Gohlke is one of my favorite authors. I prefer books set in the 20th century, particularly in the US or anywhere in Europe;though, I have a particular fondness for books set in the American south since that is where I live. Even though it is hard to admit it would be considered historical fiction since it is when I grew up, I would love to see more books written during the 1970s-80s, but I haven't found very many. I also love timeslip novels.
Trish, one really interesting thing about this pandemic is that I'm reading much more fiction than I had before. Life just seemed so busy outside the walls of my house a year ago. For the last year I've gradually read more and more. It sounds like you've read far and wide, too. Yes, expanding our reading horizons surely is a blessing--and we take blessings wherever we find them! : )
Melanie, thanks so much for stopping by. Novels set during WWII appeal to me, too--the time period, the questions, the many settings. That's why I set so many during that time in Europe, U.K. and U.S. I don't think we could ever run out of those stories! God bless!
Velma, thank you so much for your encouragement! I'm glad you enjoy my books. I, too, love books set in the American South. There seem to be many more of those lately so I'm enjoying some good Southern reads. You're right that there seems to be a shortage of books set in the 70s and 80s. Publishing houses consider anything Viet Nam War and earlier historical fiction, and contemporary is more current, so that leaves out an important time in history. I imagine those years will one day be included in the "historical fiction" category. Happy reading and God bless!
Patricia, I love Ireland, too! Before the pandemic I had hoped to travel there. It's still on my Bucket List. You might enjoy my book, Band of Sisters, which begins in Ireland and brings two sisters to the U.S. through Ellis Island in the 1910 era. Thanks so much for stopping by. God bless!
Velma, I remember years ago it was difficult for authors to get books published when they were set during the 70s and 80s. Apparently traditional publishers didn't think there was enough of an audience for that time period. As someone who was a young adult during that period, I've always wanted more novels set during that time, like you.
I’ve read just a small handful of books written when the US was first getting started. I was fascinated by the bartering of people wanting to come here and how they worked off their passage as servants. I would love to read more books along this line.
Gail, I sometimes think about those early settlers, especially the indentured servants that came across an ocean to a completely unknown place to serve time in exchange for their passage. They must have been so very brave or desperate to leave their circumstances or both. It is a fascinating time in history. Thanks so much for stopping by. God bless!
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