Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the free copy of Louise Gouge's contemporary romance novel, Winning Amber, is:
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And now let's chat with novelist Bonnie Leon, author of the historical romance, One Hundred Valleys (WhiteFire Publishing, March 2020).

Bonnie’s books are being read internationally and she hears from readers from around the globe, including Australia, New Zealand, Europe, South America, and Africa. She enjoys speaking for women’s groups and mentoring up-and-coming authors.
Bonnie and her husband, Greg, live in Southern Oregon. They have three grown children and seven grandchildren.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
I met and fell in love with my husband when I was just seventeen. We married two years later, and I have been married to the love of my life for forty-nine years.
Aw, now that's romantic.
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of One Hundred Valleys.

After reaching Oregon City misfortune befalls her and she is left to complete her journey alone. Forced to rely on a stranger, Jacob Landon, a mountain man from the southern part of the territory, Emmalin gathers up what little courage and hope she possesses and continues to make her way south where she will be forced to decide who she is and what kind of life she truly wants.
What is it about Emmalin that will make your readers care about her?
Most people do not consider being raised with privilege to be a handicap. However, when socialite Emmalin Hammond is thrown into the rigors of wilderness living, the weaknesses put upon her by the ease of her life create unique challenges that she meets with courage and tenacity, with a few stumbles along the way.
What’s the most positive thing you can tell my readers about the state of Christian fiction today?
Christian Fiction is getting better and better. Publishers and writers are stepping up, working hard, and taking more risks. They are creating unique and well written tales that capture our hearts and our minds.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
Early this year The Butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron was a beautiful surprise. I’d never read anything by Ms. Cambron, and her hauntingly beautiful story captivated me. It took place in a time and place (Europe during Hitler’s occupation) that was brutal and terrifying and tells the unusual story of a woman who finds her salvation in music. The story was created in such a way I found myself wondering if it had been taken from a real life experience. I highly recommend it.
What are you working on now?
Though One Hundred Valleys was not intended to be a series, I found that when I had completed the book I still had more to discover about my characters and the story. I needed to know what happens to Jacob and Emmalin. And so ... I am now making that discovery as I write the rest of their story in book two.
Where else can readers find you online?
You can find me at:
The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Readers, if you would like to read a sample reading from the book, click HERE (and click on Look Inside).
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
As a writer it is important to connect with readers. I appreciate each one of you. Sometimes it’s difficult to know the best way to close the gap between my home and yours. I enjoy blogging and chatting on Facebook, but that’s about me. What would you like to see more from me and your favorite writers?
Thank you, Bonnie, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Bonnie has offered to give away a free copy of her book. To enter, leave a comment and your email below in answer to her question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
Only United States residents are eligible for the drawing, but anyone can subscribe to the blog posts via the GDPA-compliant Feedblitz box above my list of books, at right.
Also readers, I'd love it if you'd connect with me on Facebook. Just click on my name at the right of today's post title.
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Hi, Trish and Bonnie,
I've only visited Oregon one time--and I loved the old west feel of Pendleton (and the Chinese underground tour), so I would love to read One Hundred Valleys.
One of the best parts of Facebook for me is the accessibility to real, live authors! I love being able to get a glimpse of a writer's life through this portal. I'm heading over to like your page there now!
You would be new to me so I would not be sure at this point what I would like to see. I always enjoy Facebook posts and some authors send me bookmarks to take to the library. That is ONE way to put a smile on a librarian’s face!
perrianne (DOT) askew (AT) me (DOT) com
Perrianne Askew
I enjoy the live feed on facebook with all authors. cheetahthecat1986ATgmailDOTcom
Trish, thank you for including me on your blog. I'll stop in from time to time in the next few days to see what's up.
God bless you.
Hi Vie. I hope you'll make another trip to Oregon one day. There are so many beautiful and interesting things to see here. It's been especially fun exploring the state when it was a wild territory.
I'll watch for you on my Facebook page. It is a place I feel comfortable connecting with readers. I've met a lot of great people there.
Hello Perrianne. I love libraries. If I weren't a writer that is a place I'd like to work. Sadly ours closed a couple years ago due to lack of funding. It has reopened on a limited basis with the help of volunteers.
If you'd like me to send you bookmarks send me a private message on facebook and I'll get some in the mail to you.
Have a blessed day.
Kim, I've been considering giving that a try. I've met with reading groups via the internet but I haven't done a live feed on facebook yet. Need to get to it.
Peace to you.
Hey Trish and Bonnie! I enjoy keeping up with my favorite authors via Facebook and/or their blog.
I would love to know what led you and other authors to become writers.
mauback55 at gmail dot com
I connect with writers through newsletters, blogs & Facebook. Bonnie, I live on the Oregon coast,so "One Hundred Valleys" is especially interesting to me! I really enjoy books set in Oregon and include some historical tidbits. I also read your "Alaskan Skies" series years ago and loved them :-)
I always have trouble answering the question "what more do readers want to see from me as an author". My answer would be "more books", lol! I really enjoy historical fiction that not only entertains but feeds my soul with a good faith thread. I also enjoy a well researched and written book, one where I can also connect with the characters.
What a lovely post today! I really like getting to know writers more through interviews like this & more about their books coming up. Thanks for sharing Bonnie!
Trish, I am already a newsletter subscriber :-)
teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com
Sure would like to read this and see if she finds her father and what happens to her on the journey to find him. Vivian Furbay jtaqndviv (at) q (dot) com
Like others, I like that social media allows authors and readers to learn more about each other personally. You don't even need the author or reader to post a lot of about their personal lives. You can learn a lot about a person by the things she/he posts--what that person finds interesting, important, touching, or funny.
Hi Caryl. Thanks for stopping in. I enjoy getting together with family and friends on Facebook. The casual atmosphere fits my personality. I have an open page and I also have one that is especially for writing and reading that is set up for my reading followers. You can find me there at https://www.facebook.com/BonnieLeonAuthor. I hope I'll see you.
Melanie what a good question. There are as many reasons as there are writers. I wasn't one who always dreamed of being a writer. But late in the 1990, or there abouts - it was a long time ago, I was bitten by a writing bug. I started filling legal pads with story ideas, personal experiences and poems. I loved it! I was having such fun.
There is a long story that follows my initial interest - too much for here, but I'll do my best to post the story on my blog this week. You can find me on my website at www.bonnieleon.com, and then click through to my blog from the home page.
I will say that sometimes the best gifts come in unusual packages.
Have a great day.
Hi Trixi. How fun to have a fellow Oregonian here. I love the Oregon coast. It's truly spectacular. My husband and I will be traveling out there next week to celebrate our 49th anniversary.
I'm with you - I love historical fiction, although I enjoy all sorts of fiction novels.
I'm with you about good research. I love the process, but my vision is diminishing (MacTel 2) and the research is getting more difficult, but I'm still dedicated to doing it right. I get so many ideas for my stories while discovering the details of history.
I am writing fewer books these days, but try to make sure I get one out a year.
Bless you in your writing journey.
Vivian, I hope you'll get to read the story of Emmalin and Jacob. It's quite an adventure for a city girl. I'm working on book two and learning so much more about these two and the rest of the people who live in Deer Creek.
So true, Trish. Though I need to clarify that I have two pages on Facebook, plus others that pop up when I introduce a new book. I usually create a private page for fans who want to know more about what is happening behind the scenes and want to help get the word out.
My personal page includes all sorts of things going on in my life. And sometimes I can't help myself and include political posts. My author page is a political free zone. I like to include info about what I'm working on or discovering in a story. I also include tidbits from the writing world, which include other authors and their books.
Melanie, I stopped in at my blog because I was pretty sure I'd recently written a post that touched on my step into the writing world. This is the beginning of my writing journey. Here's the link. http://bonnieleon.blogspot.com/2020/06/
I hope you enjoy.
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