And now let's meet novelist Lori Bates Wright, author of the inspirational historical romance, Field of Redemption (SierraVista Books, July 2019).

Raised in New Mexico, she now lives in Texas with her husband of 34 years. She has two grown kids and four adorable grand boys (who leap tall buildings in a single bound!)
When she's not writing you'll most likely find her sipping coffee and daydreaming on the porch swing.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
My favorite sandwich is peanut butter and pickle. With a side of Barbecue chips! Lol! My kids grew up thinking this was completely normal.
That sounds so much like a pregnancy snack!
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of Field of Redemption.

Failing to locate the boy, Abby is stranded in Confederate Georgia with no means to get home. After taking a nursing position in Macon's confederate hospital, she comes under suspicion as a union spy. Her only consolation is the work she does outside of the hospital walls in a shanty town of unwanted orphans.
Confederate Officer, Ian Saberton, a theological graduate of Yale, is thrust into war and forced to choose sides. His greatest struggle becomes a fight for his soul as his faith and deep convictions are put to the test.
When Sherman advances on Atlanta, Ian is sent to prepare his home state for enemy invasion. Headquartered in Macon, he encounters a town full of civilians oblivious to the imminent danger bearing down on them. He and his men must see the city secured, while avoiding a passel of matchmaking socialites determined to see him married.
When Abby is brought up on false charges and scheduled to be hanged, she has no choice but to trust the handsome Confederate officer who offers the only way of escape.
Exciting! What is it about Abby and Ian that will make your readers care about them?
Though they are on opposite sides, they have a common goal - to see an end to the devastation brought on by a war that has severed their beloved country.
Who is one of your favorite mainstream authors?
Mary Higgins Clark. She has had 51 best-selling novels in her 45 year career. And while I definitely have my favorites, there isn’t one of her stories that fails to draw the reader into an intriguing mystery.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
Until the Mountains Fall by Connilyn Cossette. Though it’s Biblical Fiction, she writes such relatable characters that it feels like you are there. This story was powerful with a really emotionally satisfying ending.
What are you working on now?
Book Three of The Saberton Legacy which features youngest brother, Zachery.
Where else can readers find you online?
My website is: www.loribateswright.com
The book is available for purchase online via the following button:
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
What era is your favorite read about?
Thank you, Lori, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your novel. Readers, Lori has also offered to give away a free copy of her book. To enter, leave a comment and your email below in answer to her question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
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Hello! I have to say, I don't really have a favorite era. I go the gamut, from the lost colony of Roanoke, to regency, to western, to contemporary. As long the book is good, I'll read just about any genre. I've even found some Christian SciFi that made me remember why I liked the Star Trek shows and books so much!
Hi, your book sounds like a very good page turner, and I love the cover! I enjoyed reading the summary on the book and the interview with the author. I like the Civil War Era, but I like different genre's as long as it is a good book. I Love page turners! I am not too big on ScFi books though. Have a Great week. God Bless you. aliciabhaney@sbcglobal.net
I enjoy most all eras but especially those dealing with WWII and those in the fifties and early sixties, ie: I Love Lucy and Andy Griffith.
I'm the same as you, Trudy and Alicia. I love to move around, not only in era but in genre. And I've read so many books set during WWII, Gail! I suppose it means a lot to me because it was the time when my parents met. But I've read so many set during that time that I've been trying to avoid them lately, lol.
I enjoy several eras such as Regency, WWII and medieval.
What an interesting story with the war going on, her being stuck in Macon and the union troops are advancing. Sounds like a good one! Vivian Furbay jtandviv(at)q(dot)com
I love Regency,Historical and any other genre's if its a page turner and one i cant put down .This sounds like my type of book .Thank you for the interview and giveaway
I love regency, but truly I love historical fiction in general. I love learning of new places and time periods and how life was for others. So excited to read the second in the series! Thanks for the fun interview.
LLWaltz [at] gmail [dot] com
I love historical fiction! I guess if I had to pick a favorite I would say post civil war America. But I also greatly enjoy recency romances.
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