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And now let's meet novelist Stephanie Morrill, author of the Young Adult historical novel, Within These Lines (Blink/HarperCollins, March 2019).

Since 2010, Stephanie has been encouraging the next generation of writers at her website, GoTeenWriters.com.
She lives in the Kansas City area, where she loves plotting big and small adventures to enjoy with her husband and three children.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
I can sing all 50 states in alphabetical order thanks to a music unit in fourth grade. This skill comes in surprisingly handy.
What a great idea, and it's so cool that it stuck with you. I love the connection our memories have between facts and music.
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of Within These Lines.

Degrading treatment make life at Manzanar Relocation Center difficult. Taichi's only connection to the outside world are treasured letters from Evalina. Feeling that the only action she can take to help Taichi is to speak out on behalf of all Japanese Americans, Evalina becomes increasingly vocal at school and at home. Meanwhile, inside Manzanar, fighting between different Japanese-American factions arises. Taichi begins to doubt he will ever leave the camp alive.
With tensions running high and their freedom on the line, Evalina and Taichi must hold true to their values and believe in their love to make a way back to each other against unbelievable odds.
That's an excellent story idea, Stephanie! The only novel I've read about that time period was Stewart David Ikeda's What the Scarecrow Said, years ago (not a Young Adult novel). It was a very moving account of a sad time in our history. It's wonderful that you've written your book for a younger audience to read.
What is it about Evalina that will make your readers care about her?
Evalina is strong and fiery in temperament, but she’s also tender and compassionate. She cares deeply about social injustice and looking out for those who are vulnerable.
Please share with us your novel’s opening line.
When I jolt awake, the familiar fear smothers my early morning thoughts and thrums through my veins.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate. I had heard tons of amazing things about the book, and it really lived up to all the hype. Even though the history Wingate explores in the story is horrifying and sad, the book still manages to feel hopeful. It’s one I’ll continue to re-read as years pass!
Yes, Lisa's book is often listed in response to this question. I have it on my TBR list (as do many readers, obviously). I've read articles about the subject matter as a result of Lisa's research. You're right--horrifying.
Where else can readers find you online?
You can connect with me and learn more about my books at www.StephanieMorrill.com, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. If you’re a young writer, you can find me at www.GoTeenWriters.com
The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
I’ve been reading a lot of really heavy fiction recently, and I’m ready for stories that are light and fun. What would you recommend?
Thank you, Stephanie, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Stephanie has offered to give away a free copy of her novel. To enter, leave a comment and your email below in answer to Stephanie's question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
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As a bit of light reading, I would recommend “Daddy Long Legs.” It’s a classic that I’ve never heard of before and it was gifted to me recently. I highly recommend it as it is truly deliightful!
Perrianne Askew
I've heard of that, but I've never read it. Thank you!
Cinder by Marissa Meyer is a light and romantic read. It's a sci-fi/fantasy blend and one of my favorites! I cannot recommend it enough. My email: Bridgetmagness14@gmail.com
Most recent light read I've read was a Junie B. Jones book. These were my childhood, and I still have my entire collection of those books.
I'm not sure what would qualify as light, but Torry Martin's book "Of Moose and Men" is a Christian non-fiction comedy which I really enjoyed. ^-^
Oh, I have some good books to recommend. Sugar and Heart Land, both by Kimberly Stuart. Katherine Reay is another great author. Her book, Dear Mr Knightly is a favourite. Oh, wait, I cried throughout the entire thing. Still read it but it might not be light enough. lol Check out Jenny B Jones and Erynn Mangum for more great reading.
Mary Connealy's westerns are a delight to read.
Mending Fences by Suzanne Woods Fisher
Gail Hollingsworth
@Bridget, I really need to bump Cinder up on my list! I've heard great things about that book.
@Livia, those are such fun books! I read those with my kids sometimes.
@Vala Dusk, I love Torry Martin! I haven't read his books, but I've met him in person and he's wonderful.
@Arletta, Thank you! I have Jenny B. Jones's latest sitting on my Kindle. I love her! Those others sound excellent too. Thanks!
@Caryl, I think Mary Connealy is such a delightful writer. She's so funny.
@Gail I've heard that's good! I should bump that up higher on my list. Thank you!
I've recently been reading a cute series by Leah Atwood called Modern Conveniences. Not sure if they are in paperback as they are more of a novella length and I am reading them on my Kindle.
Great suggestions! It's always wonderful to have a list of recommended books under a certain genre, for when the mood is just so. I like to mix up the tone, as you do, Stephanie.
Just a reminder to anyone answering Stephanie's question: if you'd like to be entered for her book drawing, be sure to give me a [fractured] email to enter into the random selector.
Thanks, Patty! I love that the rise of ereaders has also brought a rise in shorter fiction, because it's such a great art form!
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