Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the free copy of The Sleuth's Dilemma, by Kimberly Rose Johnson, is:
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And now let's meet novelist Sandra Ardoin, author of the historical romance, A Love Most Worthy (Independently Published by Sandra Ardoin, February 2019).
Rarely out of reach of a good read, Sandra is also an armchair sports enthusiast, country music listener, and seldom says no to eating out.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
When I was young and single, my motto was “Love me, love my horse,” because, hey, you didn’t get one without the other. I won’t mention how long I stayed single.
Well, I hope you stuck to your guns. Or, at least to your horse. I assume a good horse-loving man can be hard to find.
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of A Love Most Worthy.

Tragedy led Rance Preston to repent of his rowdy ways and open a general store for the miners in Nome. He’s content in his bachelorhood, but his two orphaned nephews deserve a proper and serious-minded mother. Duped once by a vivacious female, he’s determined to never again let his heart overrule his head…until the high spirits of his new bride threaten his resolve.
When a misunderstanding comes to light, will they allow the gale force winds of insecurity to destroy what they each need most?
What is it about your lead characters that will make your readers care about them?
Hallie is spirited and embraces adventure, however, all she really wants is to be a cherished part of a family. Rance’s attitude reinforces the belief instilled by her father that she’s of no more value than the cook stove.
For Rance’s part, his past won’t allow him to trust his own judgment, and he won’t risk the safety of his nephews—again.
Who is one of your favorite fictional characters?
The one who sticks out to me is Bane from Elizabeth Camden’s Against the Tide. He’s a dangerous and mysterious prankster. I love that whenever he’s near Lydia’s desk, somehow, things get moved around. It drives the OCD heroine crazy.
What a fun personality conflict.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
I recently finished Nancy Mehl’s new novel, Mind Games. It’s different from the typical “romantic suspense” and had me guessing the whole way, taking various twists and turns. I’ve read a number of her books and, in my opinion, this is the best.
What are you working on now?
Right now, I’m working on a historical romance Christmas novella. I’m also developing a plan to release it in the fall as the prequel to a series of three additional novels.
Where else can readers find you online?
I hang out on my website at www.sandraardoin.com as well as on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and Pinterest. Be sure to follow me on BookBub to get my new release alerts and my reading recommendations.
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The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
For discussion purposes, have you ever passed over a book because a hero or heroine had a name that really turned you off? How important are names to you when it comes to your interest in the character and the overall impression you have of him/her? (Sorry. That’s two questions.)
Thank you so much for having me on your blog today, Trish. What great questions! Readers, I look forward to interacting with you here today and other places online in the future. If you’re attending the Christian Fiction Reader’s Retreat in April, be sure to locate me and say hello.
Thank you, Sandra, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Sandra has offered to give away a free e-copy of her novel. To enter, leave a comment and your email below in answer to Sandra's question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
Only United States residents are eligible for the drawing, but anyone can subscribe to the blog posts via the GDPA-compliant Feedblitz box above my list of books, at right.
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Yay! Thanks so much
I have not passed.over a book because of the characters names. James are not that important to me. fishingjanATaolDOTcom
Thanks for visiting, Paula!
Jan, yes, covers and titles are so important to help the reader know genre and give a little hint into the story. It's certainly not good when they're misleading. Thanks for giving your thoughts!
I have not passed on a book with an unusual name but it bothers me when it is unpronounceable. It breadks the flow of the story, especially if there is not a pronunciation guide.
I am reading Elizabeth Camden’s newest book now! So interesting. I’m also reading one of Sandra’s on my kindle. A Reluctant Melody is great!
I read Mind Games and it was mind blowing! Great also!
Thanks, paulams49ATsbcglobalDOTnet
Hi, Titles and Covers catch my eye right away, then i read the introduction of the book, your book sounds and looks very interesting. Nice to meet you. aliciabhaney@sbcglobal.net
Hey, Paula! Thanks so much for reading A Reluctant Melody, and I'm so glad to know you're liking it! :)
I agree about unpronounceable names. It seems that happens most in Sci-Fi. It also take me out of the story in other genres, when the character has a name that's easily pronounceable but spelled in an odd way.
I haven't read Elizabeth's new one, but I'll get to it!
Thanks, Licha! Nice to meet you, too! :) When I see a book on a shelf (spine-side out), it's the title that catches my eye, then, like you, it's the cover and blurb that make the sale, sometimes the author.
No. Character names are the authors choice and work fine for me. I like an eye catching cover but the blurb has to interest me too.
Hi Deanna! Honestly, when I look for character names in my resources, there are some that I won't use for a hero or heroine, strictly due to personal preference. It's good to know that books aren't rejected for that reason, because like everything else, names are subjective. :)
I have never passed over a book because of a name but I am guilty of passing over some books by looking at the cover. Most of the time I will read the blurb but sometimes I am completely turned off by the cover and continue looking for something better.
wfnren at aol dot com
Thanks, Wendy! I have to say I've done the same.
Character names are not that important to me. Nearly every name can bring back memories of someone with a particular name that you liked or disliked but I don’t let that influence me. Who they are portrayed in the story and how it relates to the storyline is more important. If I can’t pronounce a character’s name I make up a pronunciation in my mind and that works fine for me. I’m strictly a visual reader and never rely on audio, my mind wanders too much so that doesn’t play into it either. Also, I love reading books based in Alaska! It’s on my bucket list to visit someday.
Gail Hollingsworth
Thanks for your thoughts on names, Gail. I've never really tried audio books, but like you, I think my mind would wander too much. I'd start doing something while listening and miss half the story! :)
I hope you get to make that trip to Alaska!
Character names are not an important part of the story.
Thanks, Caryl.
I have to agree that covers and blurbs have more initial impact on me than do names. The comments about audio are interesting with regard to names. I listen to audiobooks during my daily walking or during long drives. So there have been cases where I hear a name pronounced without seeing how it’s spelled, unless I look it up.
So it was, when I read Jane Eyre via audiobook, that I learned the British name “St. John” is pronounced SINjun. I actually pictured it as Sinjun as I listened, lol.
What an interesting story! Sounds like he got more than he bargained for. Vivian Furbay jtandviv (at) q (dot) com
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