Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winners of the e-copies of my new novella, Together by Design, are:
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And now let's visit with novelist Beth Vogt, author of the women's fiction release, Things I Never Told You (Tyndale House Publisher, May 2018).

Now Beth believes God’s best often waits behind the doors marked “Never.”
Beth is a 2016 Christy Award winner, a 2016 ACFW Carol Award winner, and a 2015 RITA finalist. Her 2014 novel, Somebody Like You, was one of Publisher's Weekly's Best Books of 2014.
An established magazine writer and former editor of the leadership magazine for MOPS International, Beth blogs for Novel Rocket and The Write Conversation and also enjoys speaking to writers' groups and mentoring other writers.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
When I’m not writing, you’ll probably find me on the sidelines of my daughter’s volleyball games holding a camera and taking thousands and thousands of photos. I’ve become the (un)official photographer of both her high school and club teams. I love viewing the game through the perspective of a camera lens.
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of Things I Never Told You.

But as old wounds reopen and the family faces yet another tragedy, the Thatchers must decide if they will pull together or be driven apart for good.
What is it about Payton that will make your readers care about her?
Payton is anything but perfect …and this speaks to the anything-but-perfect part in all of us. Sometimes we try to hide that part of ourselves. Sometimes we try to pretty it up … but then circumstances overwhelm us, and we can’t help but be real … gut-level honest with ourselves, with others, and with God.
I recently moved to California from the East Coast, and I know I’ll end up setting some future stories here now. What life event would you say has impacted what you write?
For Things I Never Told You, which is about the complicated relationships between sisters, I drew upon my own complicated relationship with my two sisters. I believe all relationships have their difficult, challenging moments, and I like to delve into that when I’m writing — even when I was writing contemporary romance.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
Cathy West is a good friend and a talented writer. I’ve told her that if we weren’t good friends I just might seriously envy her writing ability instead of celebrating it. Her latest release, Where Hope Begins, is rich with emotion and she tackles serious topics like grief and infidelity with insight and sensitivity.
Cathy is a terrific person. I'm not at all surprised that her books are insightful.
What are you working on now?
I’m writing book 2 of the Thatcher Sister Series — more complications … more character growth.
Where else can readers find you online?
Website/blog: Website
The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
If you have sisters, what kind of relationship do you have with them? Or if you have daughters, what are you doing to encourage a good relationship between them? Any twins out there? (I’m a twin — I have a fraternal twin sister.)
Thank you, Beth, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Beth has offered to give away a signed copy of her novel. To enter, leave a comment and your email below in answer to Beth's question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that U.S. subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
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I don’t have sisters but have three daughters. I’m praying for their lifelong friendship. I’m trying to encourage them to listen to each other and act in love.
Forgot my email - mindyhoung AT msn DOT com
I would love to win! I have 2 sisters - 1 older and 1 younger. We have a pretty good relationship for the most part, though we don't talk nearly as often as we used to (life just gets in the way). Growing up, my older sister (3 years older) was the person I always looked up to and I considered her my best friend. My younger sister is 8 years younger, so it's only been recently that we've been in the same "life stage" and been able to connect. Not sure what I would do without my sisters!
I have three sisters, and we love each other through thick and thin! Complications come and go, but we know that our family is eternal, so we always try to work through our issues.
mylittlebirdiebooks [at] gmail [dot] com
Only girl and the oldest. cheetahthecat1986ATgmailDOTcom
I'm the oldest of 2 sisters.
They treat me as if I was 95, which I'm not. When I do get older, I know without a shadow of a doubt, they will take care of me.
We have identical twin grand-daughters who are 24. One is married and the other one is soon to be married.
Life surely is interesting when you have a big family.
Janet E.
I have two sisters and they are my best friends. I don’t live close to them (I’m in NY and they are in MI), but we talk and text all the time. They are my biggest supporters and I know I can always count on them.
Ktw8292 at gmail dot com
I am also a blog subscriber. As always, I enjoyed the interview and appreciate the opportunity to learn more about new books. Interesting subject matter in the book but I personally only have had my husband and female rescue dogs as companions, not sisters or children. dobeworld at sbcglobal dot net
MJSH: So fun to see you here! And yes, I think it is so wise to pray for our daughters' relationships. Things I Never Told You is dedicated to my three daughters.
Erin: Yes, life can get in the way of sister relationships. My middle daughter is moving across country and I know her sisters will miss her so much!
Karen: Yes, we have to choose to work through issues -- but sometimes it isn't possible based on choices everyone makes ... so you wait and pray and hope for the future.
Ah, Kim, so you got to be the big sister to your brother(s)!
Hi, Library Lady: How fun to have twin granddaughters! I find twins intriguing, especially since I am one.
I have one sister and she is my best friend. We live in different states, but we get together often and talk every day.
I don't have sisters or daughters, but I have sons. And, I do pray for their relationship and encourage them to support each other in their interests and not to fuss with each other. A friend of mine used to tell her boys they could be best enemies or best friends. She always tried to help them see that friends would come and go, but they would always have each other. I always thought that was a great approach and have tried to do the same with my boys. My email is gewynn[at]hotmail[dot]com. Thank you!
I have a sister and we were not close growing up but did get dlose when I became an adult. There are almost 6 years between us. We now live very different lives and struggle to relate to one another. I also have 2 daughters. There is 7 years between them, so I hope they are closer than the age gap would naturally lead them. I was a single mom for a long time and my oldest was very excited to finally get a sibling! I love Beth's books and can't wait to read this! katie07edgar(at)gmail(dot)com
My sister was my best friend. She was my maid of honor. She loved being an aunt to my sons. She is with the Lord now. I am thankful for all the memories I have to treasure.
I am an email subscriber of your blog Trish.
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
Kind of bummed. I don't have any sisters nor daughters. I have an older brother and one son. I'll be honest, I pray I might get to Foster some day. It is a done deal as long as my husband is on board.
Hi, Kerri: It's wonderful how technology allows us to stay close with family and friends who don't live near us, isn't it?
Cathy: I'm so intrigued by your comment -- that you're involved with rescue dogs! Such an admirable occupation. I'm sure you have lots of stories you could share.
Dianne: How wonderful that you and your sister are best friends. All the different comments are proving that sister relationships are intriguing, aren't they?
Hi, Genny: I love your approach with your sons. I also wanted my son to have a good relationships with his sisters -- and he does. He wasn't crazy when they used to sing in the car during long trips, though. ;o)
Hi, Katie: Thanks for saying you love my books -- every author loves to hear that! And yes, age difference definitely affects relationships between sisters.
Hi, Anonymous: It's wonderful to have special memories to cherish, isn't it? As a parent, when my children were growing up, one of my goal was to tuck special memories in their "pockets."
Hi, Kelly: I understand your desire to have a daughter in some other way -- maybe even a daughter-in-law. I call my daughters' husbands my sons-in-love. My son is getting married and his wife will be my daughter-in-love.
I had two sisters, one of whom passed away quite a few years ago. I miss her so much. My remaining sister and I are only two years apart in age, which meant we fought all the time as teens but are very close now. We now live on opposite sides of the country, and I pray she'll end up moving nearer some day! Kelly, I think that's wonderful, that you seek to fill the void you fill by possibly fostering. There's such a need out there!
It's wonderful hearing about the different relationships you all have with your sisters and/or daughters. Keep the comments coming! Thanks, Beth, for stopping by when you can.
My sister and I are 2 years apart, and at one were as close as 2 sisters could be. Almost 10 years ago her and her family walked away from serving God. Our relationship did not change all at once, but slowly,painfully over several years things designated. Today we talk but rarely and our relationship reminds me of a wound that will never heal. Phone calls and texts are rarely returned. At one time I would have said there were no "things that we never told each other". But today I continue to hope and pray that the sister I once knew, returns.
My email is rdewey17@yahoo(dot)com
I have three sisters and we go through season - sometimes we're best friends and sometimes we need a bit of space! I have three daughters and I have always encouraged them to be friends. There were some rough patches but they all love to spend time together now. I love that they are friends just as much as they are sisters.
Rebecca, that's heartbreaking. I pray God knits your family back together and draws everyone close to Him.
The rough patches Arletta and others speak of here are often, I believe, the result of what Beth describes above--circumstances can overwhelm us and bring out the gut-level honesty that can sometimes create rifts between sisters, mothers, and daughters. But a sister who is also a friend--what a gift that is, right?
Hi, Trish: My middle daughter is moving across country in just a few weeks and my other daughters are going to miss their sister so much (not to mention me!)
Rebecca: I understand about wounds that seem to deep to be healed. This is when we trust our hurts, our heartaches to God. It doesn't mean that we don't mourn, that we don't miss what we've lost -- but I know that God's comfort is always available.
Arletta: You so aptly described the seasons that sisters can go through -- and that friends can be sisters-of-the-heart, too.
I don’t have a biological sister but I have a step sister. Our relationship is complicated but as we grow older we know what role we play. I know it will only get harder as our parents age and neither of us lives very close. I don’t have a daughter either but 2 adult sons. Most days I am grateful for that and live without the “girl drama.” I can’t imagine a twin losing her twin, I’ve always heard that twins are closely connected. Comgrats on the new FICTION book!
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