Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the signed copy of Christmas Admirer, by Laura Hilton, is:
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And now let's chat with novelist Tamera Alexander, author of the historical romance, Christmas at Carnton (Thomas Nelson, October 2017).

Tamera and her husband reside in Nashville, Tennessee, where they live a short distance from Nashville's Belmont Mansion and Belle Meade Plantation, the setting of Tamera’s #1 CBA bestselling Southern series. Her brand new series, the Carnton Novels, recently launched with Christmas at Carnton (released October 3, 2017), a (hefty!) Christmas novella, which is set in Franklin, Tennessee at the historic Carnton Plantation.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
I eat bacon. Every day. I love bacon. Adore bacon. It’s just one of the blissful benefits of living a Keto (low carb gluten free) lifestyle!
I'm a big fan, as well! Everything's better with bacon.
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of Christmas at Carnton.

Captain Jake Winston, a revered Confederate sharpshooter, suffered a head wound at the Battle of Chickamauga. When doctors deliver their diagnosis, Jake fears losing not only his greatest skill but his very identity. As he heals, Jake is ordered to assist with a local Women's Relief Society auction. He respectfully objects. Kowtowing to a bunch of "crinolines" isn't his idea of soldiering. But orders are orders, and he soon discovers this group of ladies—one, in particular—is far more than he bargained for.
Set against the backdrop and history of the Carnton Plantation in Franklin, Tennessee, Christmas at Carnton is a story of hope renewed and faith restored at Christmas.
I love the sound of your characters. What is it about Aletta that will make your readers care about her?
She’s a real woman. Familiar with pain and loss. Yet even when faced with the most trying circumstances, she still holds to the possibilities of good in life—until all she knows to be true is shattered.
What’s a news story from the last year or so that you think would make a good basis for a novel?
There have been several news stories in recent years about "secret rooms" being discovered. From a historical standpoint, that always intrigues me.
You can't beat secrets for intrigue!
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
I recently reread Christy by Catherine Marshall (actually listened to the audio book—I LOVE audio books). Christy is a classic that I reread every few years. And I’d highly recommend it because of the wonderful variety of characters, the colorful Appalachian history (and breathtaking scenery) Marshall intertwines into the story, the depth of the faith message woven throughout—and, of course, the romance!
I love audio books. I always have one playing as I drive.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on the first full-length Carnton novel in the The Carnton Novels trilogy (title TBD). It’s the real love story of Captain Roland Jones and Elizabeth Clouston (the nanny at Carnton Plantation) who met the night of the Battle of Franklin on November 30, 1864 in Franklin, Tennessee (near Nashville). I’ve been in contact with the great-great-great-great grandson of Captain Jones (a Confederate soldier wounded in the battle that night), and he’s shared the couple’s love letters and so many details about their lives. I’m grateful for this opportunity to share Roland and Lizzie’s love story!
How wonderful to have those letters! That sounds like a great novel idea.
Where else can readers find you online?
Website: www.TameraAlexander.com
And Christmas at Carnton has a Spotify playlist that readers are enjoying: open.spotify.com/user/zeldasayre58/playlist/1gfVLtS6vIxmoZ2ZeG3xya

The book can be purchased online via the following button:
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
I’d love for them to answer a "lightning round" of their own "personal Christmas preferences:"
1. Real tree or fake?
2. Egg nog or wassail?
3. Open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
4. Turkey or Ham?
5. Figgy Pudding or Chocolate Chess Pie?
Thank you, Tamera, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Tamera has offered to give away a signed copy of her novella. To enter, leave a comment and your email below in answer to Tamera's question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com. Many commenters are left out of the drawing because they forget to include a way for me to notify them of their win (their email).
Also, I'd love it if you'd connect with me on Facebook. Just click on my name at the right of today's post.
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I haven't actually read Tamera's books, but I have been listening to them on audio and loving them! We have to have a real tree (don't even own a fake). I prefer Eggnog. We open presents Christmas morning, unless Christmas falls on a Sunday. I like turkey over ham. And I really like figgy pudding, but also like chocolate chess pie. Now I'm in the mood for Christmas - my favorite time of the year!
I am a blog follower. Always love Tamera's books and particularly enjoy learning about the Civil War background to this and also the upcoming series. My family was living on the Chickamauga Battlefield, as the battle began there; I do a great deal of genealogy research. The cabin is no longer there, just an informational marker.
Trees - no preference as have had both with benefits to each, Eggnog, Christmas Eve, Ham, Neither pie - had sweet potato pie.
Thanks! dobeworld at sbcglobal dot net
I am a follower
I would love to read one of her books.
1. real tree 2. chocolate milk 3. open one gift Christmas eve the rest Christmas day 4. Ham 5. Cherry Cake
1. fake tree 2. hot chocolate 3. Christmas day 4. ham 5. cherry cake
I am certainly a follower and I am thrilled at the opportunity to win Tamera Alexander's book. She is a wonderful writer!
We always have an artificial tree. Wassil would be the drink of choice. A few presents are opened Christmas Eve but Santa comes Christmas morning and a few more presents are opened. We all prefer ham and now my dessert of choice is sugar free chocolate icebox pie while the others will enjoy pecan pie.
mauback55 at gmail dot com
1. I love real trees...but don't like picking needles out of the carpet, so I have a fake tree. 2. Neither...I prefer hot cider or hot tea 3. Opening presents is whenever my family can be here for Christmas. As a child, it was Christmas morning, though. 4. I like ham for Christmas, but like turkey as well. 5..Never had either figgy pudding or chocolate chess pie.
I love Tamera's books. Looking forward to reading this one, too!
lgm52(at)hotmail (dot) com
A fun post and another book to add to my TBR pile--thanks for the chance to win a copy! My answers are: real, wassail, Christmas morning (but one on Christmas Eve!), turkey, and chocolate pie. Now, time to decorate! Just kidding. Mostly. ;) danandlyndaedwards[at]msn[dot]com.
I’m a follower! I love Tammy and have read almost all she has written! ( too many books on Mt TBR pile) .
I love real trees— we had them as I was growing up. But for practical reasons our is “ like real” now!
I love anything creamy like eggnog.
Ditto with chocolate!
We usually have turkey.
Can’t wait to read this novella. Tammy always does such awesome research!
Thanks so much for the great interview.
Forgot the opening presents. We always chose one small one on Christmas Eve and the rest in the morning.Now- We are retired so don’t really give presents to each other — Just the grandkids. Others get a donation to a Christian charity in their name.
I love Christmas! Real trees (outside since we are in an RV for the present time), gifts on Christmas Day, turkey, wassail, and chocolate cress! This makes me want snow, jingle bells, and lots of lights. Plus a great book to read, like the one featured here. :) Lovely interview! Angelecolline[at]yahoo[dot]com.
Hey gals! THANKS for stopping in today and making me feel so welcome. I love reading your responses, and yes to the pecan pie. It's a huge fav in our home (now if I can just master a Keto version of the original!). I so appreciate your kind words about my writing—and your reading my books! I hold a deep appreciation for history and am grateful for the opportunity to incorporate it into the novels I write. Blessings all!
I love Christmas and Christmas books to read. My favorite type of book the rest of the year is inspirational historic fiction. To combine them all is a real find! I would love to read another novel by Tamera Alexander as well.
My Christmas preferences (no necessarily what we do each year now that the kids are grown with kids of their own) are: real tree, wassail, both Christmas Eve and Day (two sides of the family), ham... and I've never had figgy pudding or chocolate chess pie - so I'd say pumpkin pie would have to fit in that slot.
lorigeorge at hotmail dot com
Real tree, wassail, Christmas Eve now that our kids are grown and celebrating with two families, turkey, and I'll go with the chocolate chess pie. I've never had it but anything chocolate has got to win, right? :)
I've been reading Tamera's books for several years. I used to have a real tree, now I have a fake one. I like eggnog. We open some presents on Christmas Eve and save some for Christmas morning. I love ham and chocolate chess pie (actually anything chocolate).
I like real trees. The eggnog is the best. I love Christmas morning because that is when my children open their presents from Santa. We have turkey for Christmas. We like pies like chocolate cream pie. Thank you for a chance to win Tammy's book. I love all her books she is a great writer. mommystuck1(at)optonline(dot)net.
Oh, my, Tamara! My great-grandfather was taken prisoner along with his brother at the battle in Franklin. He was sent to Pt. Lookout Maryland where he was held until the armistice and sent home. He traveled by foot with his brother to Louisiana and married his sweetheart, Sallie. I have a letter he wrote to her not long before the battle. Looking forward to reading your book.
As for your questions. I have an artificial tree because real fir trees and pine broke me out in hives when I tried to decorate or un-decorate them. I really like wassail. Our children were allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve before we left for the candlelight service at church. The rest came on Christmas morning. We usually have ham on Christmas and our desserts are apple pie and chocolate cake or fresh apple cake.
"Christy" is a huge favorite of mine - I keep having to replace my copies because people make off with the ones I have! Looking forward to Canton book-to-come as access to real letters of the time will lend it so much authenticity! Christmas ?s: fake (allergies otherwise), eggnog, morning (always), homemade chicken kiev, and then a Christmas cookie pig-out for dessert!
I love Tamera's writing and am looking forward to this next series. I also love the playlist. I listened to the playlist as I read A Note Yet Unsung. As for Christmas, we use a fake tree. We drink hot chocolate while opening presents on Christmas day. Each year our dinner changes. Guessing we would pick the pie. irishniff(at)yahoo(dot)com
1. fake
2. wassail?
3. Open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? both
4. Ham?
5. Chocolate Chess Pie?
centraleast2 at gmail dot com
1. Fake is all that I have ever had.
2. Egg nog... what even is wassail?
3. Christmas morning!
4. Turkey
5. I have never had either.
Thank you!
Rebekah Gyger
1. Fake (Allergies).
2. Neither One.
3. Christmas morning.
4. Either one.
5. Chocolate Chess Pie, Of Course.
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
Janet E.
1. Fake (allergies)
2. Wassail (I think)
3. Christmas Eve
4. Turkey (i have a pork allergy - no BACON for me!)
5. chocolate Chess Pie
Thank you for the giveaway opportunity & interview.
I have a fake tree, real ones give me an itchy rash. I don't really like eggnog or wassail. My extended family gets together during the day Christmas Eve so we open gifts then. My kids and I open gifts Christmas morning. We usually have ham at the Christmas Eve gathering so turkey or something else on Christmas day. I've never had Figgy Pudding or Chocolate Chess Pie for Christmas. However, I did try your recipe for Chocolate Chess Pie that is in your book To Wager Her Heart. It was fantastic!
I always enjoy Tammy's books and am looking forward to this new series. Thanks for the giveaway.
This sounds like a wonderful series of books. I love being able to learn about history by reading fiction. Now to answer your questions.
1) Fake because I'm allergic to real.
2) Eggnog
3) One on Christmas Eva and the rest on Christmas morning.
4) Turkey but if my daughter makes a ham I will definitely eat some of that too.
5) Chocolate Chess Pie, anything chocolate wins for me.
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your novella.
1. Fake
2. Neither
3. Christmas Eve, stockings on. Christmas Day
4. Ham
5. Chocolate Chess Pie
You are a new author to me, would love to read your book.
1. Fake
2. Neither
3. Christmas Eve, stockings on. Christmas Day
4. Ham
5. Chocolate Chess Pie
You are a new author to me, would love to read your book.
1. Fake
2. Eggnog
3. Christmas Day
4. Turkey
5. Chocolate pie!
Gail Hollingsworth
Here's my answers to the "lightening round questions"
1. I would love a real tree! We've had an artificial one for years because the real deal is so expensive here.
2. Egg Nog please! We have a lady in our church who makes homemade wassail and I don't really care for it. Though, it smells delightful when it's heating up :-)
3. We usually open one present Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas morning.
4. Ham for Christmas always! We have turkey for Thanksgiving :-)
5. I've never had figgy pudding so I guess I'd stick with chocolate chess pie. Though, if there's pumpkin pie present, it would trump those two in a heartbeat, lol!
Fun interview! I have a few of Tamera's books on my shelf and this one looks especially good for Christmas right around the corner (again, what?). Thank you for the giveaway.
teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm also a subscriber Trish!
Wonderful interview with Tamera! I've not yet had the pleasure of reading her books.
1. Fake due to allergies
2. Egg nog or wassail? Neither
3. Open presents Christmas morning.
4. Ham
5. Chocolate Chess Pie
I follow with psalm103and138 at gmail dot com
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