Before we meet today's author, I want to announce that the winner of the signed copy of A Stolen Heart, by Amanda Cabot, is:
Congratulations! I'll email you for your snail mail address, and we'll get your book right out to you. I encourage readers to keep commenting and/or subscribe at right (above my list of books) in order to participate in future book give-aways! Subscribers are entered a second time when they comment.
And now let's chat with novelist Melody Carlson, author of the contemporary romance, Under a Summer Sky (Revell, June 2017). Tell us about yourself, Melody.

I live with my husband of 39 years in Oregon and enjoy the ‘great outdoors.’ We have two grown sons and a thirteen year old granddaughter, and a yellow lab dog named Audrey.
Please tell us one random thing we might not know about you.
I’m restoring a 1963 travel trailer—just for fun!
What fun! I hope travels are in your future, then.
Please tell us a bit more about the plot of Under a Summer Sky.

Unfortunately she soon discovers some obstacles to her carefree summer plans, including a resentful gallery employee who challenges Nicole’s every move, a pair of brothers suddenly vying for her attention, and a ‘squatter’ in her house.
But her attraction to this beautiful and historic old town, combined with the promise of a true romance keep Nicole from giving up.
What is it about Nicole that will make your readers care about her?
In many ways Nicole is just an ‘ordinary girl.’ An art teacher and frustrated artist, Nicole has a big heart, but she’s recovering from a bad relationship and somewhat disillusioned with her life. She’s ripe for a fresh start in a new and interesting place . . . and ready for a truly good guy.
What kind of brainstorming do you do at the beginning of your novels?
I always start with a character—and then I give them a problem. After that I add a setting, and then I just leap into writing, discovering the story along the way.
What is the last novel you read that you would recommend?
I’ve read several novels lately that I can’t recommend, but last year I read Take Me With You by Catherine Ryan Hyde, and I’ve recommended that delightful read to lots of people. I absolutely loved this book!
What are you working on now?
I’m actually just beginning my annual Christmas novella (I think it’s about #16 and won’t be out until 2018). This year’s offering is called The Christmas Blessing.
Where else can readers find you online?
The book can be purchased via the following button:
Finally, what question would you like to ask my readers?
Where do you usually find your books?
Thanks, Melody, for visiting and telling us about yourself and your book. Readers, Melody has offered to give away a signed copy of her book next week. To enter, leave a comment below in answer to Melody's question, above. "Please enter me" won't get you entered. Remember that subscribers are entered an additional time in each drawing. The drawing is done by email, so leave your email address, like so: trish[at]trishperry[dot]com.
Also, I'd love it if you'd connect with me on Facebook. Just click on my name at the right of today's post.
Annoying legal disclaimer: drawings void where prohibited; open only to U.S. residents; the odds of winning depend upon the number of participants. See full disclaimer, as well as my Disclosure of Material Connection HERE
Where I live in Tuscaloosa we only have one bookstore. Most of my books come from Amazon. And we have prime so shipping is free. I do occasionally buy at Sam's and Walmart but their choices have dwindled down over the last year or so.
your book sounds interesting and I love the cover.
I am a subscriber.
Now I buy at second had stores. I have a few friends that we trade books as we have read them. My husband got me a tablet for mothers day so now I can get books off of amazon now.
I find books at the library on Amazon mainly... And of course on authors' Facebooks/blogs. :)
The new book sounds like a great read!
Publisher listings. We do not have a bookstore in our area. Our local library has a donor sale shelf or duplicates. Order specifics online.
We passed new reissue red and white Shasta Airflytes on the highway on a delivery trailer. So exciting!! Glad you have a little trailer to make your very own. What fun. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net
I love Melody's books, especially her Christmas ones. If I don't find them at Lifeway Book Stores or Mardel's, I buy them on-line for my Kindle. That way I have a copy on my Kindle, my tablet and my phone.
I'm always checking author's pages to see what is new with my favorites. I also find new authors through my friends and blogs I follow.
My daughter and I trade books, I get books at thrift stores and are the library. Got to have books! mauback55 at gmail dot com
I'm part of a vast number of author street teams where I get early copies of their books for reading and reviewing. That's where I mainly get my books. I also am part of a couple of review crews for Barbour publishing and Revell reads. Netgalley as well (digital review site).Then there's book contests I enter & sometimes win, author newsletters where I learn of new books coming out, I occasionally but books from Amazon or yard sales, & second hand stores. I do borrow books from the library, either physical or digital through the Overdrive system. I've found lots of places to get my book fix...lol!
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of "Under a Summer Sky"! I'm also a subscriber.
teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com
Forgot to add my email: marthalrogers(at)sbcglobal(.)net
I enjoy receiving your newsletter, Trish.
I have several "go-to" services. Most recently, I have loved the FB group "Avid Readers of Christian Fiction". The group is amazing with their book recommendations!
I get my books from so many different directions. I already have an unread library of about 900 titles, so I try not to buy TOO many more. But I usually need to get a book I don't already have for my monthly book club, and I get very excited when I get my local Prime free book offer, not to mention the Kindle Unlimited versions of many ebooks. But I prefer paper, and since we don't have many actual book stores anymore, I usually buy on Amazon. I also make use of my library, and sometimes I'll get the audio version of a book, if the library has it, so that I can listen to the book I'm reading even when I'm driving. I've become addicted to having someone tell me a story when I'm driving or putting on makeup in the morning!
I almost always buy my books on Amazon. I find out about books I'm interested in from BookBub, blogs that I subscribe to, the ACFW New Release list, and friends recommendations.
Thanks for doing a giveaway.
I am retired so I usually get my books from the library or the free ones on Amazon. I buy books at the library sales. I manage to win quite a few books because I follow lots of bloggers and authors! I won last week here! Thanks Amanda and Trish. I am a subscriber as you probably guessed!
I probably am not eligible to win again so soon but I forgot my email. paulams49ATsbcglobalDOTnet
Most of my books have come from giveaways. I also love to check out books from my library. When I need to purchase a book I use Amazon.
I subscribe with psalm103and138 at gmail dot com
I find most books I purchase online. Some at Walmart or Target or used book stores. Book stores featuring Christian books are gone from our local landscape(Pittsburgh, Pa).
Alice Myers
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